30 changed files with 52989 additions and 521 deletions
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ |
package main |
import ( |
lucifer3 "git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server" |
"git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server/services" |
"git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server/services/effectenforcer" |
"git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server/services/hue" |
"git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server/services/mill" |
"git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server/services/nanoleaf" |
"git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server/services/tradfri" |
"time" |
) |
func main() { |
bus := lucifer3.EventBus{} |
resolver := services.NewResolver() |
sceneMap := services.NewSceneMap(resolver) |
bus.JoinPrivileged(resolver) |
bus.JoinPrivileged(sceneMap) |
bus.Join(effectenforcer.NewService(resolver, sceneMap)) |
bus.Join(nanoleaf.NewService()) |
bus.Join(hue.NewService()) |
bus.Join(tradfri.NewService()) |
bus.Join(mill.NewService()) |
time.Sleep(time.Hour) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,47 @@ |
package main |
import ( |
"git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server/internal/color" |
"image" |
color2 "image/color" |
"image/png" |
"math" |
"os" |
) |
func main() { |
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 1000, 1000)) |
for y := 0; y < 1000; y += 1 { |
for x := 0; x < 1000; x += 1 { |
vecX := float64(x-500) / 500.0 |
vecY := float64(y-500) / 500.0 |
dist := math.Sqrt(vecX*vecX + vecY*vecY) |
angle := math.Mod((math.Atan2(vecY/dist, vecX/dist)*(180/math.Pi))+360+90, 360) |
if dist >= 0.9 && dist < 1 && angle > 2.5 && angle < 357.5 { |
k := 1000 + int(11000*((angle-2.5)/355)) |
c := color.Color{K: &k} |
rgb, _ := c.ToRGB() |
img.Set(x, y, color2.RGBA{ |
R: uint8(rgb.RGB.Red * 255.0), |
G: uint8(rgb.RGB.Green * 255.0), |
B: uint8(rgb.RGB.Blue * 255.0), |
A: 255, |
}) |
} else if dist < 0.85 { |
rgb := (color.HueSat{Hue: math.Mod(angle+180, 360), Sat: dist / 0.85}).ToRGB() |
img.Set(x, y, color2.RGBA{ |
R: uint8(rgb.Red * 255.0), |
G: uint8(rgb.Green * 255.0), |
B: uint8(rgb.Blue * 255.0), |
A: 255, |
}) |
} else { |
img.Set(x, y, color2.RGBA{R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, A: 0}) |
} |
} |
} |
_ = png.Encode(os.Stdout, img) |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@ |
package main |
import ( |
"git.aiterp.net/lucifer3/server/internal/color" |
"image" |
color2 "image/color" |
"image/png" |
"log" |
"os" |
) |
func main() { |
img := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 500, 500)) |
for y := 0; y < 500; y += 1 { |
for x := 0; x < 500; x += 1 { |
rgb := (color.XY{X: float64(x) / 499, Y: float64(y) / 499}).ToRGB() |
if y == 300 { |
log.Println(rgb.Red, rgb.Green, rgb.Blue) |
} |
img.Set(x, y, color2.RGBA{ |
R: uint8(rgb.Red * 255.0), |
G: uint8(rgb.Green * 255.0), |
B: uint8(rgb.Blue * 255.0), |
A: 255, |
}) |
} |
} |
_ = png.Encode(os.Stdout, img) |
} |
@ -1,294 +0,0 @@ |
<script lang="ts" context="module"> |
const cache: Record<string, ColorRGB> = {}; |
function getColor(color: string) { |
if (cache.hasOwnProperty(color)) { |
return Promise.resolve(cache[color]); |
} |
return fetchColor(color).then(r => { |
cache[color] = r.rgb || {red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255}; |
return cache[color]; |
}).catch(err => { |
delete cache[color]; |
throw err; |
}); |
} |
</script> |
<script lang="ts"> |
import type { State } from "$lib/models/device"; |
import Icon from "./Icon.svelte"; |
import type { ColorRGB } from '$lib/models/color'; |
import { fetchColor } from '$lib/client/lucifer'; |
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte"; |
export let value: State; |
export let deletable: boolean = false; |
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher() |
function togglePower() { |
switch (value.power) { |
case null: value.power = true; break; |
case true: value.power = false; break; |
case false: value.power = null; break; |
} |
} |
function toggleIntensity() { |
if (value.intensity === null) { |
value.intensity = 0.5; |
} else { |
value.intensity = null; |
} |
} |
function toggleTemperature() { |
if (value.temperature === null) { |
value.temperature = 20; |
} else { |
value.temperature = null; |
} |
} |
function toggleColor() { |
switch (value.color?.split(":")[0]) { |
case undefined: value.color = "k:2750"; break; |
case "k": value.color = "hs:180,0.5"; break; |
case "hs": value.color = "rgb:1.000,0.800,0.066"; break; |
case "rgb": value.color = "xy:0.2000,0.2000"; break; |
case "xy": value.color = null; break; |
} |
} |
function computeColorInputs(color: string | null) { |
const kind = color?.split(":")[0]; |
const values = color?.split(":")[1]?.split(",").map(v => parseFloat(v)) || [0,0]; |
switch (kind) { |
case undefined: colorKind = "null"; break; |
case "k": colorKind = "k"; colorX = values[0]; colorY = values[1]||0; break; |
case "hs": colorKind = "hs"; colorX = values[0]; colorY = values[1]||0; break; |
case "xy": colorKind = "xy"; colorX = values[0]; colorY = values[1]||0; break; |
case "rgb": colorKind = "rgb"; colorX = values[0]; colorY = values[1]||0, colorZ = values[2]||0; break; |
} |
computedColor = color; |
} |
function updateColor(kind: string, x: number, y: number, z: number) { |
x = x || 0; |
y = y || 0; |
z = z || 0; |
switch (kind) { |
case "k": value.color = `k:${x.toFixed(0)}`; break; |
case "xy": value.color = `xy:${x.toFixed(4)},${y.toFixed(4)}`; break; |
case "hs": value.color = `hs:${x.toFixed(0)},${y.toFixed(3)}`; break; |
case "rgb": value.color = `rgb:${x.toFixed(3)},${y.toFixed(3)},${z.toFixed(3)}`; break; |
} |
computedColor = value.color; |
} |
let intensityColor = "none"; |
$: intensityColor = value.intensity !== null ? "off" : "none"; |
let temperatureColor = "none"; |
$: temperatureColor = value.temperature !== null ? "off" : "none"; |
let powerColor = ""; |
$: if (value.power != null) { |
powerColor = value.power ? "on" : "off" |
} else { |
powerColor = "none" |
} |
let computedColor: string | null = ""; |
let colorButton = "none"; |
let colorKind = "null"; |
let colorX = 0; |
let colorY = 0; |
let colorZ = 0; |
$: if (value.color !== computedColor) { |
computeColorInputs(value.color); |
} |
$: updateColor(colorKind, colorX, colorY, colorZ); |
let timeout: NodeJS.Timeout | null = null; |
let rgb = ""; |
$: if (value.color !== null) { |
let before = value.color; |
if (timeout !== null) { |
clearTimeout(timeout); |
} |
timeout = setTimeout(() => { |
if (value.color !== null) { |
getColor(value.color).then(v => { |
if (value.color === before) { |
rgb = `rgb(${v.red*255}, ${v.green*255}, ${v.blue*255})`; |
} |
}); |
} |
}, 50) |
} else { |
rgb = "hsl(240, 8%, 21%)"; |
} |
</script> |
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-click-events-have-key-events --> |
<div class="assignment-state"> |
<div class="option {powerColor}"><Icon on:click={togglePower} block name="power" /></div> |
<div class="option {intensityColor}"> |
<Icon on:click={toggleIntensity} block name="cirlce_notch" /> |
{#if value.intensity != null} |
<input class="custom" type="number" min={0} max={1} step={0.01} bind:value={value.intensity} /> |
{/if} |
</div> |
<div class="option {temperatureColor}"> |
<Icon on:click={toggleTemperature} block name="temperature_half" /> |
{#if value.temperature != null} |
<input class="custom" type="number" min={10} max={40} step={0.5} bind:value={value.temperature} /> |
{/if} |
</div> |
<div class="option {colorButton}" style="--color: {rgb}"> |
<Icon on:click={toggleColor} block name="palette" /> |
{#if colorKind !== "null"} |
{#if colorKind === "k"} |
<div class="color-input"> |
<label for="color_x">Kelvin</label> |
<input class="custom" name="color_x" type="number" min={1000} max={12000} step={10} bind:value={colorX} /> |
</div> |
{/if} |
{#if colorKind === "hs"} |
<div class="color-input"> |
<label for="color_x">Hue</label> |
<input class="custom" name="color_x" type="number" bind:value={colorX} /> |
</div> |
<div class="color-input"> |
<label for="color_y">Sat</label> |
<input class="custom" name="color_y" type="number" min={0} max={1} step={0.01} bind:value={colorY} /> |
</div> |
{/if} |
{#if colorKind === "xy"} |
<div class="color-input"> |
<label for="color_x">X</label> |
<input class="custom" name="color_x" type="number" min={0} max={1} step={0.0001} bind:value={colorX} /> |
</div> |
<div class="color-input"> |
<label for="color_y">Y</label> |
<input class="custom" name="color_y" type="number" min={0} max={1} step={0.0001} bind:value={colorY} /> |
</div> |
{/if} |
{#if colorKind === "rgb"} |
<div class="color-input"> |
<label class="short" for="color_x">Red</label> |
<input class="custom short" name="color_x" type="number" min={0} max={1} step={0.001} bind:value={colorX} /> |
</div> |
<div class="color-input"> |
<label class="short" for="color_y">Green</label> |
<input class="custom short" name="color_y" type="number" min={0} max={1} step={0.001} bind:value={colorY} /> |
</div> |
<div class="color-input"> |
<label class="short" for="color_z">Blue</label> |
<input class="custom short" name="color_z" type="number" min={0} max={1} step={0.001} bind:value={colorZ} /> |
</div> |
{/if} |
{/if} |
</div> |
{#if deletable} |
<div class="option red"> |
<Icon on:click={() => dispatch("delete")} block name="trash" /> |
</div> |
{/if} |
</div> |
<style lang="sass"> |
@import "$lib/css/colors.sass" |
div.assignment-state |
display: flex |
user-select: none |
font-size: 1rem |
width: 100% |
flex-wrap: wrap |
@media screen and (max-width: 749px) |
font-size: 0.66rem |
> div.option |
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000 |
display: flex |
margin: 0.25em 0.25ch |
cursor: pointer |
:global(.icon) |
padding: 0.1em 0.5ch |
padding-top: 0.35em |
color: var(--color) |
input, :global(div.rangeSlider) |
width: 4rem |
font-size: 0.9rem |
padding-left: 0 |
background: $color-main1 |
outline: none |
border: none |
text-align: center |
font-size: 1rem |
color: $color-main9 |
&::-webkit-inner-spin-button |
-webkit-appearance: none |
margin: 0 |
moz-appearance: textfield |
&:focus |
color: $color-main13 |
> div.color-input |
display: flex |
flex-direction: column |
> label |
font-size: 0.5em |
color: $color-main5 |
text-align: center |
margin: 0 |
line-height: 1em |
margin-top: 0.15rem !important |
padding-top: 0 |
margin-bottom: -0.2em |
width: 2.5rem |
&.short |
width: 2.2rem |
> input |
width: 2.5rem |
font-size: 0.8em |
background: none |
&.short |
width: 2.2rem |
&.none |
background: $color-main1 |
color: $color-main2 |
&.off |
background-color: $color-main2 |
color: $color-main6 |
&.on |
background-color: $color-main2 |
color: #00FF00 |
&.red |
background-color: $color-main2-red |
color: $color-main6-redder |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,108 @@ |
<script lang="ts" context="module"> |
export const selectedColorPicker = writable<any>(null);</script> |
<script lang="ts"> |
import type { Color } from "$lib/models/color"; |
import { rgb2hsv } from "$lib/utils/color"; |
import { tick } from "svelte"; |
import { writable } from "svelte/store"; |
export let color: Color; |
export let id: any = null; |
let xy: boolean; |
let x: number; |
let y: number; |
$: { |
if (color.xy) { |
xy = true; |
x = color.xy.x; |
y = color.xy.y; |
} else if (color.hs) { |
xy = false; |
x = Math.sin((360-color.hs.hue) * (Math.PI / 180)) * (color.hs.sat * 0.85); |
y = Math.cos((360-color.hs.hue) * (Math.PI / 180)) * (color.hs.sat * 0.85); |
} else if (color.k) { |
const angle = 2.5 + ((color.k - 1000) / 11000) * 355; |
x = Math.sin((180-angle) * (Math.PI / 180)) * 0.95; |
y = Math.cos((180-angle) * (Math.PI / 180)) * 0.95; |
} else if (color.rgb) { |
const hs = rgb2hsv(color.rgb); |
xy = false; |
x = Math.sin((360-hs.hue) * (Math.PI / 180)) * (hs.sat * 0.85); |
y = Math.cos((360-hs.hue) * (Math.PI / 180)) * (hs.sat * 0.85); |
} |
} |
function onClickColor(event: MouseEvent & { currentTarget: EventTarget & HTMLDivElement; }) { |
if (xy) { |
const x = Math.floor((event.offsetX / event.currentTarget.offsetWidth) * 1000) / 1000; |
const y = Math.floor((event.offsetY / event.currentTarget.offsetHeight) * 1000) / 1000; |
color = { xy: { x, y } }; |
} else { |
const x = 2 * ((event.offsetX / event.currentTarget.offsetWidth) - 0.505); |
const y = 2 * ((event.offsetY / event.currentTarget.offsetHeight) - 0.505); |
const dist = Math.sqrt((x*x)+(y*y)); |
const angle = ((Math.atan2(y/dist, x/dist)*(180/Math.PI))+360) % 360.0 |
if (dist > 0.9) { |
color = { k: Math.max(Math.min(Math.floor((((((angle + 90) % 360)-2.5)/355) * 11000) + 1000), 12000), 1000) } |
} else { |
color = { hs: { hue: Math.floor((270+angle)%360), sat: Math.floor(Math.min(dist / 0.85, 1) * 100) / 100 } }; |
} |
} |
tick().then(() => { |
tick().then(() => { $selectedColorPicker = id; }); |
}); |
} |
</script> |
{#if $selectedColorPicker == id} |
<!-- svelte-ignore a11y-click-events-have-key-events --> |
<div class="color-picker" on:click={onClickColor}> |
{#if xy} |
<img draggable="false" alt="color wheel" src="/color-xy.png" /> |
<div class="dot" style="left: calc({x} * 10ch); top: calc({y-1} * 10ch)"> |
<div class="ring"></div> |
</div> |
{:else} |
<img draggable="false" alt="color wheel" src="/color-hsk.png" /> |
<div class="dot" style="left: calc({((x/2)+0.5)} * 10ch + 0.5px); top: calc({((y/2)+0.5)-1} * 10ch + 0.5px)"> |
<div class="ring"></div> |
</div> |
{/if} |
</div> |
{/if} |
<style lang="sass"> |
@import "$lib/css/colors.sass" |
div.color-picker |
position: relative |
width: 10ch |
height: 10ch |
> img |
width: 10ch |
height: 10ch |
div.dot |
position: relative |
z-index: 10 |
pointer-events: none |
div.ring |
position: relative |
left: -0.525ch |
top: -0.95ch |
width: 1ch |
height: 1ch |
border: 2px solid $color-main4 |
box-sizing: border-box |
border-radius: 1ch |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,98 @@ |
<script lang="ts" context="module"> |
let nextId = 0; |
</script> |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { rgbString, type Color, stringifyColor, parseColor } from "$lib/models/color"; |
import { hsToHsl, kToRgb, xyToRgb } from "$lib/utils/color"; |
import ColorPicker, { selectedColorPicker } from "../ColorPicker.svelte"; |
import BFormOption from "./BFormOption.svelte"; |
import BFormParameter from "./BFormParameter.svelte"; |
export let value: string | null; |
let colorPickerId = `BFormColorOption:${++nextId}` |
let color: Color | null; |
$: color = parseColor(value); |
$: submit(color); |
function toggle(event: MouseEvent & { currentTarget: EventTarget & HTMLDivElement; }) { |
if (event.shiftKey) { |
if (color !== null) { |
if ($selectedColorPicker !== colorPickerId) { |
$selectedColorPicker = colorPickerId; |
} else { |
$selectedColorPicker = null; |
} |
} |
return |
} |
if (color === null || (color.hs == null && color.k == null)) { |
color = { k: 2750 } |
$selectedColorPicker = colorPickerId; |
} else { |
color = null; |
if ($selectedColorPicker === colorPickerId) { |
$selectedColorPicker = null; |
} |
} |
} |
function submit(color: Color | null) { |
value = stringifyColor(color); |
} |
let colorStr = ""; |
$: { |
if (color !== null) { |
if (color.rgb != null) { |
colorStr = rgbString(color.rgb); |
} else if (color.hs != null) { |
colorStr = hsToHsl(color.hs); |
} else if (color.xy != null) { |
colorStr = rgbString(xyToRgb(color.xy)); |
} else { |
colorStr = rgbString(kToRgb(color.k || 2750)); |
} |
} else { |
colorStr = "#000000"; |
} |
} |
</script> |
<BFormOption on:click={toggle} icon="palette" state={(color !== null) || null} color={colorStr}> |
{#if color != null} |
<div class="picker-wrapper"> |
<ColorPicker bind:color={color} id={colorPickerId} /> |
</div> |
{/if} |
{#if color?.xy != null} |
<BFormParameter narrower label="X" type="number" max={1} step={0.01} bind:value={color.xy.x} /> |
<BFormParameter narrower label="Y" type="number" max={1} step={0.01} bind:value={color.xy.y} /> |
{/if} |
{#if color?.hs != null} |
<BFormParameter narrower label="Hue" type="number" max={360} step={1} bind:value={color.hs.hue} /> |
<BFormParameter narrower label="Sat" type="number" max={1} step={0.01} bind:value={color.hs.sat} /> |
{/if} |
{#if color?.rgb != null} |
<BFormParameter narrowest label="R" type="number" max={1} step={0.01} bind:value={color.rgb.red} /> |
<BFormParameter narrowest label="G" type="number" max={1} step={0.01} bind:value={color.rgb.green} /> |
<BFormParameter narrowest label="B" type="number" max={1} step={0.01} bind:value={color.rgb.blue} /> |
{/if} |
{#if color?.k != null} |
<BFormParameter narrow label="Kelvin" type="number" min={1000} max={12000} step={50} bind:value={color.k} /> |
{/if} |
</BFormOption> |
<style lang="sass"> |
div.picker-wrapper |
position: relative |
left: 0.5ch |
top: -11ch |
width: 0 |
height: 0 |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte"; |
import BFormOption from "./BFormOption.svelte"; |
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); |
</script> |
<BFormOption on:click={() => dispatch("delete")} red state icon=trash></BFormOption> |
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import BFormOption from "./BFormOption.svelte"; |
import BFormParameter from "./BFormParameter.svelte"; |
export let value: number | null; |
function update(percentage: number) { |
if (value !== null) { |
value = percentage / 100; |
} |
} |
function toggle() { |
if (value === null) { |
value = 0.50; |
} else { |
value = null; |
} |
} |
let percentage: number |
$: percentage = Math.max(Math.min((value || 0) * 100, 100), 0); |
$: update(percentage); |
</script> |
<BFormOption on:click={toggle} icon="cirlce_notch" state={(value !== null) || null}> |
<BFormParameter type="number" label="%" bind:value={percentage} min={0} max={100} step={1} narrower /> |
</BFormOption> |
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@ |
<div class="bform-body"> |
<slot></slot> |
</div> |
<style lang="sass"> |
div.bform-body |
display: flex |
user-select: none |
font-size: 1rem |
width: 100% |
flex-wrap: wrap |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,72 @@ |
<script lang="ts" context="module"> |
import { getContext, setContext } from "svelte"; |
export const ctxKey = {}; |
export function getBFormOptionEnabled() { |
return getContext(ctxKey) as Readable<boolean> |
} |
</script> |
<script lang="ts"> |
import Icon, { type IconName } from "../Icon.svelte"; |
import { writable, type Readable } from "svelte/store"; |
export let state: boolean | null = false; |
export let color: string = "hsl(240, 8%, 56%)"; |
export let icon: IconName = "check"; |
export let unclickable: boolean = false; |
export let red: boolean = false; |
const enabled = writable(state === true); |
$: $enabled = state === true; |
setContext(ctxKey, { subscribe: enabled.subscribe }); |
</script> |
<div class="bform-option" class:unclickable class:on={state === true} class:off={state === false} style="--color: {color}"> |
<Icon on:click block name={icon} /> |
<div class="bform-option-body"> |
<slot></slot> |
</div> |
</div> |
<style lang="sass"> |
@import "$lib/css/colors.sass" |
div.bform-option |
box-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #000 |
display: flex |
margin: 0.25em 0.25ch |
min-height: 1.9rem |
cursor: pointer |
background: $color-main1 |
:global(.icon) |
padding: 0.1em 0.5ch |
padding-top: 0.45em |
color: $color-main2 |
&.off |
background-color: $color-main2 |
:global(.icon) |
color: $color-main4 |
&.on |
background-color: $color-main2 |
:global(.icon) |
color: var(--color) |
&.red |
background-color: $color-main2-red |
:global(.icon) |
color: $color-main6-redder |
&.unclickable |
cursor: default |
div.bform-option-body |
display: flex |
flex-direction: row |
cursor: default |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,103 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { getBFormOptionEnabled } from "./BFormOption.svelte"; |
export let label: string; |
export let type: "number" | "text" | "select"; |
export let value: number | string; |
export let wide: boolean = false; |
export let narrow: boolean = false; |
export let narrower: boolean = false; |
export let narrowest: boolean = false; |
export let min: number = 0; |
export let max: number = 100; |
export let step: number = 1; |
export let options: {value: string | number, label: string}[] = []; |
const enabled = getBFormOptionEnabled(); |
</script> |
{#if $enabled} |
<div class="bform-parameter" class:wide class:narrow class:narrower class:narrowest> |
<label for="input_{label}">{label}</label> |
{#if type === "number"} |
<input class="custom" on:blur on:focus type="number" bind:value={value} {min} {max} {step} /> |
{:else if type === "text"} |
<input class="custom" on:blur on:focus type="text" bind:value={value} /> |
{:else if type === "select"} |
<select class="custom" bind:value={value}> |
{#each options as opt (opt.value)} |
<option value={opt.value}>{opt.label}</option> |
{/each} |
</select> |
{/if} |
</div> |
{/if} |
<style lang="sass"> |
@import "$lib/css/colors.sass" |
div.bform-parameter |
display: flex |
flex-direction: column |
background: $color-main1 |
height: 100% |
> label |
font-size: 0.5em |
color: $color-main5 |
text-align: center |
margin: 0 |
line-height: 1em |
margin-top: 0.15rem !important |
padding-top: 0 |
margin-bottom: -0em |
width: 10rem |
> input, > select |
width: 10rem |
font-size: 0.9rem |
padding-left: 0 |
background: none |
outline: none |
border: none |
text-align: center |
font-size: 1rem |
color: $color-main9 |
> option |
background: $color-main1 |
&::-webkit-inner-spin-button |
-webkit-appearance: none |
margin: 0 |
-webkit-appearance: none |
-moz-appearance: none |
moz-appearance: none |
appearance: none |
&:focus |
color: $color-main13 |
> select |
margin-top: 0.08rem |
&.wide |
> input, > label, > select |
text-align: left |
width: 20rem |
> label |
padding-left: 0.2rch |
&.narrow |
> input, > label, > select |
width: calc(6rem + 0.22ch) |
&.narrower |
> input, > label, > select |
width: 3rem |
&.narrowest |
> input, > label, > select |
width: calc(2rem - 0.11ch) |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import BFormOption from "./BFormOption.svelte"; |
export let value: boolean | null; |
function toggle() { |
if (value === null) { |
value = true; |
} else if (value === true) { |
value = false; |
} else { |
value = null; |
} |
} |
</script> |
<BFormOption icon="power" on:click={toggle} state={value} color="#00FF00"></BFormOption> |
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import BFormOption from "./BFormOption.svelte"; |
import BFormParameter from "./BFormParameter.svelte"; |
export let value: number | null; |
function toggle() { |
if (value === null) { |
value = 20; |
} else { |
value = null; |
} |
} |
</script> |
<BFormOption on:click={toggle} icon="temperature_half" state={(value !== null) || null}> |
{#if value != null} |
<BFormParameter type="number" label="Celsius" bind:value={value} min={10} max={32} step={1} narrower /> |
{/if} |
</BFormOption> |
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import type { State } from "$lib/models/device"; |
import type { ColorRGB } from '$lib/models/color'; |
import BFormLine from "../bforms/BFormLine.svelte"; |
import BFormTemperatureOption from "../bforms/BFormTemperatureOption.svelte"; |
import BFormColorOption from "../bforms/BFormColorOption.svelte"; |
import BFormIntensityOption from "../bforms/BFormIntensityOption.svelte"; |
import BFormPowerOption from "../bforms/BFormPowerOption.svelte"; |
import BFormDeleteOption from "../bforms/BFormDeleteOption.svelte"; |
export let value: State; |
export let deletable: boolean = false; |
$: console.log(value); |
</script> |
<BFormLine> |
<BFormPowerOption bind:value={value.power} /> |
<BFormIntensityOption bind:value={value.intensity} /> |
<BFormColorOption bind:value={value.color} /> |
<BFormTemperatureOption bind:value={value.temperature} /> |
{#if deletable} |
<BFormDeleteOption on:delete /> |
{/if} |
</BFormLine> |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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@ -1,8 +1,84 @@ |
import type { ColorRGB } from "$lib/models/color"; |
import type { ColorHS, ColorRGB, ColorXY } from "$lib/models/color"; |
import XY_MAP from "./color-xy.json"; |
import K_MAP from "./color-k.json"; |
export function rgbToHex(rgb: ColorRGB): string { |
const r = Math.min(Math.round(rgb.red * 255), 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); |
const g = Math.min(Math.round(rgb.green * 255), 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); |
const b = Math.min(Math.round(rgb.blue * 255), 255).toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); |
return ["#", r, g, b].join(""); |
} |
export function kToRgb(k: number) { |
if (k < 1000) { |
k = 1000; |
} |
if (k > 12000) { |
k = 12000; |
} |
const key = (Math.round(k / 50) * 50).toFixed(0); |
return (K_MAP as Record<string, ColorRGB>)[key]; |
} |
export function xyToRgb(xy: ColorXY) { |
const x = (Math.round((xy.x||0) * 100) / 100); |
const y = (Math.round((xy.y||0) * 100) / 100); |
return (XY_MAP as Record<string, ColorRGB>)[`${x.toFixed(2)},${y.toFixed(2)}`]; |
} |
export function hsToHsl(hs: ColorHS): string { |
const l=1-(hs.sat/2); |
const m=Math.min(l,1-l); |
return `hsl(${hs.hue}, ${(m?(1-l)/m:0)*100}%, ${l*100}%)`; |
} |
export function rgb2hsv (rgb: ColorRGB): ColorHS { |
const r = rgb.red; |
const g = rgb.green; |
const b = rgb.blue; |
let rabs: number, gabs: number, babs: number; |
let rr: number, gg: number, bb: number; |
let h: number = 0, s: number = 0, v: number; |
let diff: number; |
const diffc = (c: number) => (v - c) / 6 / diff + 1 / 2; |
const percentRoundFn = (num: number) => Math.round(num * 100) / 100; |
rabs = r / 255; |
gabs = g / 255; |
babs = b / 255; |
v = Math.max(rabs, gabs, babs), |
diff = v - Math.min(rabs, gabs, babs); |
if (diff == 0) { |
h = s = 0; |
} else { |
s = diff / v; |
rr = diffc(rabs); |
gg = diffc(gabs); |
bb = diffc(babs); |
if (rabs === v) { |
h = bb - gg; |
} else if (gabs === v) { |
h = (1 / 3) + rr - bb; |
} else if (babs === v) { |
h = (2 / 3) + gg - rr; |
} |
if (h < 0) { |
h += 1; |
} else if (h > 1) { |
h -= 1; |
} |
} |
return { |
hue: Math.round(h * 360), |
sat: s, |
}; |
} |
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