You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

18 lines
642 B

<script lang="ts">
import BFormOption from "../bforms/BFormOption.svelte";
import BFormParameter from "../bforms/BFormParameter.svelte";
export let scope: string;
export let key: string;
export let value: string;
<BFormOption state unclickable icon="note_sticky">
<BFormParameter narrow type="select" bind:value={scope} label="Scope" options={[
{ label: "Match", value: "match" },
{ label: "Devices", value: "device" },
{ label: "Global", value: "global" },
]} />
<BFormParameter type="text" bind:value={key} label="Key" />
<BFormParameter type="text" bind:value={value} label="Value" />