import * as fs from "fs/promises"; import { parseString } from "xml2js";
export function generateTrimlogInput(filename, name = "Walk", type = "walk") { return new Promise(async(resolve, reject) => { parseString(await fs.readFile(filename, "utf-8"), (err, res) => { if (err != null) { reject(err); }
const data = res.TrainingCenterDatabase.Activities[0].Activity[0]; const map = {}; const date = new Date(res.TrainingCenterDatabase.Activities[0].Activity[0].Id[0]); const dateStr = `${date.getFullYear()}-${pad(date.getMonth() + 1)}-${pad(date.getDate())}` let totalCalories = 0; let minAltitude = null; let maxAltitude = null; for (const lap of data.Lap) { totalCalories += parseFloat(lap.Calories[0]) || 0; for (const tp of lap.Track[0].Trackpoint) { const point = { time: tp.Time[0], longitude: parseFloat(tp.Position?.[0]?.LongitudeDegrees[0]), latitude: parseFloat(tp.Position?.[0]?.LatitudeDegrees[0]), altitude: parseFloat(tp.AltitudeMeters?.[0]), distance: parseFloat(tp.DistanceMeters?.[0]), pulse: parseFloat(tp.HeartRateBpm?.[0].Value?.[0]), }; if (minAltitude == null || point.altitude < minAltitude) { minAltitude = point.altitude; } if (maxAltitude == null || point.altitude > maxAltitude) { maxAltitude = point.altitude; } map[tp.Time[0]] = point; } }
const list = Object.keys(map).sort().map(k => map[k]); const firstLon = list.find(e => !!e.longitude)?.longitude; const firstLat = list.find(e => !!e.latitude)?.latitude; const firstAlt = list.find(e => !!e.altitude)?.altitude;
const out = { date: dateStr, contents: [{rawActivity: { kind: type === "cycling" ? "Biking" : "Walking", sets: [], effortScale: 1, weight: 0, measurements: list.map(p => ({ seconds: Math.round((new Date(p.time) - date) / 1000), meters: p.distance, pulse: p.pulse, longitude: p.longitude || firstLon, latitude: p.latitude || firstLat, altitude: p.altitude || firstAlt, })) }}], description: name, tags: [ { key: "tcx:Time", value: res.TrainingCenterDatabase.Activities[0].Activity[0].Id[0] }, { key: "tcx:TotalCalories", value: totalCalories.toFixed(1) }, { key: "tcx:MaximumAltitude", value: maxAltitude.toFixed(1) }, { key: "tcx:MinimumAltitude", value: minAltitude.toFixed(1) }, ] } resolve(out); }); }) }
export function today() { const date = new Date(); return `${date.getFullYear()}-${pad(date.getMonth() + 1)}-${pad(date.getDate())}`; }
function pad(n) {return n > 9 ? n.toString() : `0${n}`}