32 Commits (bf1c50fbfa1217a353f23c5370ccadcda1ec3723)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Gisle Aune bf1c50fbfa migrate to github, add stuff. 4 years ago
Gisle Aune 9a9cd33fd8 Added KICK handling and cleaned up part handling, fixed test incorrectness. 5 years ago
Gisle Aune d42df0d7a0 client: Fixed incorrect comand being sent when parting a closed target. 5 years ago
Gisle Aune 650ea0ce10 client: Changed Join and Part method to use queued send instead. [BC Break: removed error return] 5 years ago
Gisle Aune 3e1f487e02 client: Added Ready() method. 5 years ago
Gisle Aune f25ac9dff2 client: Improved test coverage. 5 years ago
Gisle Aune 15a51e0151 client: Fixed incorrect numeric being listened to for nick errors. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune b4c7c5145f client: Added Say(f), Describe(f) to send cut messages to channels and nicks. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 178c9989bc client: Added Part method with a similar signature to Join. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 992d71dde4 client: Fixed auto-rejoin trying to rejoin when there's no channels to rejoin. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 193268db35 client: Added Targets and Channels methods for getting multiple targets. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 8507128dc6 client: Misc cleanups and added 'hook.ready' event. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 38a14d7069 client: Changed Value to return the value only, not value and ok 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 8e13fe507e Fixed auto-PART not working when closing channel target. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 9aa04bbc10 Changed client status shorthand to avoid needless target lookp 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 4945166148 Started on 'irc repl', added Status() shorthand for client to get status target 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 00fd13e1d9 Added auto-join 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 6cc8ae37c9 Added channel targetting based on target name for notices. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 659a2ce067 Renamed Event.Kill to Event.PreventDefault 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 72d63b405a Fixed /m and /npc(a)c handlers, added SendRate to client config, added more testing. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 308129bdf0 Added input handling and m_roleplay client-side handlers (...) 6 years ago
Gisle Aune c17a5e59bc Cleaned up event targetting, changed Event.MarshalJSON, added Event.RenderTags 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 6377349c28 Added Client.Query, added tests for query target 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 0fbebfc3f5 Added targeting of messages, notices and ctcp actions (untested), added account-tag support 6 years ago
Gisle Aune f37cb1751e Fixed NICK handler not firing, added away-notify w/tests 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 6256f6a6fe Added more test utilities for client_test.go, added NAMES and MODE handling for channels 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 65e4385b71 Added Target interface and target types 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 8357b4f8af Unfinished doc 6 years ago
Gisle Aune a4cfeada63 Added function to get client ID, and a test for it 6 years ago
Gisle Aune e8d5a79801 Renamed Client's EmitSafe to EmitNonBlocking to make it clearer what it's for. 6 years ago
Gisle Aune ef8d03bb70 Fixed crashes and other problems with the event handlers, fixed packet event not being created/propagated correctly 6 years ago
Gisle Aune 3fde120058 Initial Commit 6 years ago