Mirror of github.com/gissleh/irc
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package handlers
import (
// CTCP implements the widely used CTCP commands (CLIENTINFO, VERSION, TIME, and PING), as well as the /ping command.
// It does not implement DCC.
// For every other CTCP command supported, you should expand the `ctcp.clientinfo.reply` client value like above.
func CTCP(event *irc.Event, client *irc.Client) {
switch event.Name() {
case "client.create":
if r, ok := client.Value("ctcp.clientinfo.reply").(string); ok {
if !strings.Contains(r, "ACTION PING TIME VERSION") {
client.SetValue("ctcp.clientinfo.reply", r+" ACTION PING TIME VERSION")
} else {
client.SetValue("ctcp.clientinfo.reply", "ACTION PING TIME VERSION")
case "ctcp.clientinfo":
response, ok := client.Value("ctcp.clientinfo.reply").(string)
if !ok {
client.SendCTCP("CLIENTINFO", event.Nick, true, response)
case "ctcp.version":
version := "github.com/gissleh/irc v1.0"
if v, ok := client.Value("ctcp.version.reply").(string); ok {
version = v
client.SendCTCP("VERSION", event.Nick, true, version)
case "ctcp.time":
client.SendCTCP("TIME", event.Nick, true, time.Now().Local().Format(time.RFC1123))
case "ctcp.ping":
client.SendCTCP("PING", event.Nick, true, event.Text)
case "input.ping":
args := strings.SplitN(event.Text, " ", 2)
targetName := args[0]
if targetName == "" {
client.EmitNonBlocking(irc.NewErrorEvent("ctcp.pingarg", "/ping needs an argument"))
client.SendCTCP("PING", targetName, false, strconv.FormatInt(time.Now().UnixNano()/1000000, 10))