5 changed files with 180 additions and 185 deletions
@ -1,96 +1,35 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { onMount } from "svelte"; |
import type { IconName } from "../external/icons"; |
import type { GroupResult } from "../models/group"; |
import type { ModalData } from "../stores/modal"; |
import Icon from "./Icon.svelte"; |
import ItemEntry from "./ItemEntry.svelte"; |
import Option from "./Option.svelte"; |
import OptionRow from "./OptionRow.svelte"; |
import ParentEntry from "./ParentEntry.svelte"; |
export let group: GroupResult = null; |
export let showAllOptions: boolean = false; |
let iconName: IconName = "question"; |
let mdItemAdd: ModalData; |
let mdGroupEdit: ModalData; |
let mdGroupDelete: ModalData; |
let linkHook: HTMLElement; |
onMount(() => { |
if (window.location.hash === "#" + group.id) { |
window.scrollTo({top: linkHook.getBoundingClientRect().top}); |
} |
}); |
$: iconName = group.icon as IconName; |
$: mdItemAdd = {name:"item.add", group}; |
$: mdGroupEdit = {name:"group.edit", group}; |
$: mdGroupDelete = {name:"group.delete", group}; |
</script> |
<div class="group"> |
<div class="link-hook" id={group.id} bind:this={linkHook}></div> |
<div class="icon"><Icon block name={iconName} /></div> |
<div class="body"> |
<div class="header"> |
<div class="name">{group.name}</div> |
</div> |
{#if showAllOptions} |
<div class="description"> |
<p>{group.description}</p> |
</div> |
<OptionRow> |
<Option open={mdItemAdd}>Add Item</Option> |
<Option open={mdGroupEdit}>Edit</Option> |
<Option open={mdGroupDelete}>Delete</Option> |
</OptionRow> |
{/if} |
<div class="list" class:full={showAllOptions}> |
{#each group.items as item (item.id)} |
<ItemEntry item={item} group={group} /> |
{/each} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<style> |
div.link-hook { |
position: relative; |
top: -2em; |
} |
div.group { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: row; |
padding-bottom: 1em; |
} |
div.icon { |
font-size: 2em; |
padding: 0 0.5ch; |
width: 2ch; |
padding-top: 0.125em; |
color: #333; |
} |
div.body { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
width: 100%; |
} |
div.header { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: row; |
} |
div.name { |
font-size: 1em; |
font-weight: 100; |
margin: auto 0; |
vertical-align: middle; |
} |
div.description > p { |
padding: 0; |
margin: 0.25em 0; |
} |
</style> |
<ParentEntry |
full={showAllOptions} |
entry={group} |
> |
{#if showAllOptions} |
<OptionRow> |
<Option open={mdItemAdd}>Add Item</Option> |
<Option open={mdGroupEdit}>Edit</Option> |
<Option open={mdGroupDelete}>Delete</Option> |
</OptionRow> |
{#each group.items as item (item.id)} |
<ItemEntry item={item} group={group} /> |
{/each} |
{/if} |
</ParentEntry> |
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import { onMount } from "svelte"; |
export let id = ""; |
let linkHook: HTMLElement; |
onMount(() => { |
if (window.location.hash === "#" + id) { |
window.scrollTo({top: linkHook.getBoundingClientRect().top}); |
} |
}); |
</script> |
<div class="link-hook" id={id} bind:this={linkHook}></div> |
<style> |
div.link-hook { |
position: relative; |
top: -2em; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,120 @@ |
<script lang="ts"> |
import type { IconName } from "../external/icons"; |
import DaysLeft from "./DaysLeft.svelte"; |
import Icon from "./Icon.svelte"; |
import LinkHook from "./LinkHook.svelte"; |
import Progress from "./Progress.svelte"; |
interface EntryIconHolder { |
icon: IconName |
} |
interface EntryCommon { |
id: string |
name: string |
description: string |
icon?: IconName |
startTime?: string |
endTime?: string |
createdTime?: string |
group?: EntryIconHolder |
project?: EntryIconHolder |
} |
export let entry: EntryCommon; |
export let full = false; |
export let headerLink = ""; |
export let progressAmount: number = null; |
export let progressTarget: number = null; |
let iconName: IconName; |
$: { |
if (entry.project != null) { |
iconName = entry.project.icon; |
} else if (entry.group != null) { |
iconName = entry.group.icon; |
} else { |
iconName = entry.icon || "question"; |
} |
} |
</script> |
<div class="parent-entry" class:full={full}> |
<LinkHook id={entry.id} /> |
<div class="icon"><Icon block name={iconName} /></div> |
<div class="body"> |
<div class="header"> |
<div class="name"> |
{#if headerLink} |
<a href={headerLink}>{entry.name}</a> |
{:else} |
{entry.name} |
{/if} |
</div> |
{#if entry.endTime != null} |
<div class="days-left"> |
<DaysLeft startTime={entry.startTime || entry.createdTime} endTime={entry.endTime} /> |
</div> |
{/if} |
</div> |
{#if (progressAmount != null)} |
<Progress thin green count={progressAmount} target={progressTarget} /> |
{/if} |
{#if (full)} |
<div class="description"> |
<p>{entry.description}</p> |
</div> |
{/if} |
<slot></slot> |
</div> |
</div> |
<style> |
div.parent-entry { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: row; |
padding-bottom: 0.5em; |
} |
div.parent-entry.full { |
padding-bottom: 1em; |
} |
div.icon { |
font-size: 2em; |
padding: 0 0.5ch; |
width: 2ch; |
padding-top: 0.125em; |
color: #333; |
} |
div.body { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: column; |
width: 100%; |
} |
div.header { |
display: flex; |
flex-direction: row; |
} |
div.name { |
font-size: 1em; |
margin: auto 0; |
vertical-align: middle; |
font-weight: 100; |
} |
div.days-left { |
margin-left: auto; |
margin-right: 0.25ch; |
} |
a { |
color: inherit; |
text-decoration-color: #777; |
} |
div.description > p { |
padding: 0; |
margin: 0.25em 0; |
} |
</style> |
Reference in new issue