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package hue
import (
type DiscoveryEntry struct {
Id string `json:"id"`
InternalIPAddress string `json:"internalipaddress"`
type CreateUserInput struct {
DeviceType string `json:"devicetype"`
type CreateUserResponse struct {
Success *struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
} `json:"success"`
Error *struct {
Type int `json:"type"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Description string `json:"description"`
} `json:"error"`
type Overview struct {
Lights map[int]LightData `json:"lights"`
Config BridgeConfig `json:"config"`
Sensors map[int]SensorData `json:"sensors"`
type BridgeConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ZigbeeChannel int `json:"zigbeechannel"`
BridgeID string `json:"bridgeid"`
Mac string `json:"mac"`
DHCP bool `json:"dhcp"`
IPAddress string `json:"ipaddress"`
NetMask string `json:"netmask"`
Gateway string `json:"gateway"`
ProxyAddress string `json:"proxyaddress"`
ProxyPort int `json:"proxyport"`
UTC string `json:"UTC"`
LocalTime string `json:"localtime"`
TimeZone string `json:"timezone"`
ModelID string `json:"modelid"`
DataStoreVersion string `json:"datastoreversion"`
SWVersion string `json:"swversion"`
APIVersion string `json:"apiversion"`
LinkButton bool `json:"linkbutton"`
PortalServices bool `json:"portalservices"`
PortalConnection string `json:"portalconnection"`
FactoryNew bool `json:"factorynew"`
StarterKitID string `json:"starterkitid"`
Whitelist map[string]WhitelistEntry `json:"whitelist"`
type LightState struct {
On bool `json:"on"`
Bri int `json:"bri"`
Hue int `json:"hue"`
Sat int `json:"sat"`
Effect string `json:"effect"`
XY []float64 `json:"xy"`
CT int `json:"ct"`
Alert string `json:"alert"`
ColorMode string `json:"colormode"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
Reachable bool `json:"reachable"`
type LightStateInput struct {
On *bool `json:"on,omitempty"`
Bri *int `json:"bri,omitempty"`
Hue *int `json:"hue,omitempty"`
Sat *int `json:"sat,omitempty"`
Effect *string `json:"effect,omitempty"`
XY *[2]float64 `json:"xy,omitempty"`
CT *int `json:"ct,omitempty"`
Alert *string `json:"alert,omitempty"`
TransitionTime *int `json:"transitiontime,omitempty"`
type LightData struct {
State LightState `json:"state"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Modelid string `json:"modelid"`
Manufacturername string `json:"manufacturername"`
Productname string `json:"productname"`
Capabilities struct {
Certified bool `json:"certified"`
Control struct {
Mindimlevel int `json:"mindimlevel"`
Maxlumen int `json:"maxlumen"`
Colorgamuttype string `json:"colorgamuttype"`
Colorgamut [][]float64 `json:"colorgamut"`
CT struct {
Min int `json:"min"`
Max int `json:"max"`
} `json:"ct"`
} `json:"control"`
Streaming struct {
Renderer bool `json:"renderer"`
Proxy bool `json:"proxy"`
} `json:"streaming"`
} `json:"capabilities"`
Config struct {
Archetype string `json:"archetype"`
Function string `json:"function"`
Direction string `json:"direction"`
Startup struct {
Mode string `json:"mode"`
Configured bool `json:"configured"`
} `json:"startup"`
} `json:"config"`
Swupdate struct {
State string `json:"state"`
Lastinstall string `json:"lastinstall"`
} `json:"swupdate"`
Uniqueid string `json:"uniqueid"`
Swversion string `json:"swversion"`
Swconfigid string `json:"swconfigid"`
Productid string `json:"productid"`
type SensorData struct {
State struct {
Daylight interface{} `json:"daylight"`
ButtonEvent int `json:"buttonevent"`
LastUpdated string `json:"lastupdated"`
Presence bool `json:"presence"`
Temperature int
} `json:"state"`
Config struct {
On bool `json:"on"`
Configured bool `json:"configured"`
Sunriseoffset int `json:"sunriseoffset"`
Sunsetoffset int `json:"sunsetoffset"`
} `json:"config"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Modelid string `json:"modelid"`
Manufacturername string `json:"manufacturername"`
Productname string `json:"productname"`
Swversion string `json:"swversion"`
UniqueID string `json:"uniqueid"`
type WhitelistEntry struct {
LastUseDate string `json:"last use date"`
CreateDate string `json:"create date"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type BridgeDeviceInfo struct {
XMLName xml.Name `xml:"root"`
Text string `xml:",chardata"`
Xmlns string `xml:"xmlns,attr"`
SpecVersion struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata"`
Major string `xml:"major"`
Minor string `xml:"minor"`
} `xml:"specVersion"`
URLBase string `xml:"URLBase"`
Device struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata"`
DeviceType string `xml:"deviceType"`
FriendlyName string `xml:"friendlyName"`
Manufacturer string `xml:"manufacturer"`
ManufacturerURL string `xml:"manufacturerURL"`
ModelDescription string `xml:"modelDescription"`
ModelName string `xml:"modelName"`
ModelNumber string `xml:"modelNumber"`
ModelURL string `xml:"modelURL"`
SerialNumber string `xml:"serialNumber"`
UDN string `xml:"UDN"`
PresentationURL string `xml:"presentationURL"`
IconList struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata"`
Icon struct {
Text string `xml:",chardata"`
Mimetype string `xml:"mimetype"`
Height string `xml:"height"`
Width string `xml:"width"`
Depth string `xml:"depth"`
URL string `xml:"url"`
} `xml:"icon"`
} `xml:"iconList"`
} `xml:"device"`
var buttonNames = []string{"On", "DimUp", "DimDown", "Off"}
var errLinkButtonNotPressed = errors.New("link button not pressed")