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package handlerfactory
import (
func CreateHandlers(
config FactoryConfig,
scenes []models.Scene,
existing []models.EventHandler,
) ([]models.EventHandler, []models.EventHandler) {
switch config.Mode {
case SceneDimmer:
return sceneDimmer(config, scenes, existing)
return []models.EventHandler{}, []models.EventHandler{}
func sceneDimmer(
config FactoryConfig,
scenes []models.Scene,
existing []models.EventHandler,
) ([]models.EventHandler, []models.EventHandler) {
kind, refValue := models.ParseFetchString(config.Target)
toRemove := make([]models.EventHandler, 0, 8)
for _, old := range existing {
if old.Conditions["deviceId"].EQ == config.TriggerDeviceID {
toRemove = append(toRemove, old)
resolvedScenes := make([]models.Scene, 0, len(config.SceneNames))
for _, name := range config.SceneNames {
for _, scene := range scenes {
if name == scene.Name {
resolvedScenes = append(resolvedScenes, scene)
if len(scenes) < 2 {
return []models.EventHandler{}, []models.EventHandler{}
handlers := make([]models.EventHandler, 0, len(scenes)+4)
handlers = append(handlers, models.EventHandler{
EventName: "ButtonPressed",
Conditions: map[string]models.EventCondition{
"deviceId": {EQ: config.TriggerDeviceID},
"buttonName": {EQ: "On"},
OneShot: false,
Priority: 100,
TargetKind: kind,
TargetValue: refValue,
Actions: models.EventAction{SetPower: &myTrue},
From: -1,
To: -1,
handlers = append(handlers, models.EventHandler{
EventName: "ButtonPressed",
Conditions: map[string]models.EventCondition{
"deviceId": {EQ: config.TriggerDeviceID},
"buttonName": {EQ: "Off"},
OneShot: false,
Priority: 100,
TargetKind: kind,
TargetValue: refValue,
Actions: models.EventAction{SetPower: &myFalse},
From: -1,
To: -1,
for i, scene := range resolvedScenes {
if i > 0 {
handlers = append(handlers, models.EventHandler{
EventName: "ButtonPressed",
Conditions: map[string]models.EventCondition{
"deviceId": {EQ: config.TriggerDeviceID},
"buttonName": {EQ: "DimDown"},
"any.scene": {EQ: fmt.Sprintf("%d", scene.ID)},
OneShot: false,
Priority: 100,
TargetKind: kind,
TargetValue: refValue,
Actions: models.EventAction{SetScene: &models.DeviceSceneAssignment{
SceneID: resolvedScenes[i-1].ID,
Group: refValue,
DurationMS: 0,
From: -1,
To: -1,
if i < len(resolvedScenes)-1 {
handlers = append(handlers, models.EventHandler{
EventName: "ButtonPressed",
Conditions: map[string]models.EventCondition{
"deviceId": {EQ: config.TriggerDeviceID},
"buttonName": {EQ: "DimUp"},
"any.scene": {EQ: fmt.Sprintf("%d", scene.ID)},
OneShot: false,
Priority: 100,
TargetKind: kind,
TargetValue: refValue,
Actions: models.EventAction{SetScene: &models.DeviceSceneAssignment{
SceneID: resolvedScenes[i+1].ID,
Group: refValue,
DurationMS: 0,
From: -1,
To: -1,
handlers = append(handlers, models.EventHandler{
EventName: "ButtonPressed",
Conditions: map[string]models.EventCondition{
"deviceId": {EQ: config.TriggerDeviceID},
"buttonName": {EQ: "DimDown"},
OneShot: false,
Priority: 90,
TargetKind: kind,
TargetValue: refValue,
Actions: models.EventAction{SetScene: &models.DeviceSceneAssignment{
SceneID: resolvedScenes[len(resolvedScenes)-1].ID,
Group: refValue,
DurationMS: 0,
From: -1,
To: -1,
handlers = append(handlers, models.EventHandler{
EventName: "ButtonPressed",
Conditions: map[string]models.EventCondition{
"deviceId": {EQ: config.TriggerDeviceID},
"buttonName": {EQ: "DimUp"},
OneShot: false,
Priority: 90,
TargetKind: kind,
TargetValue: refValue,
Actions: models.EventAction{SetScene: &models.DeviceSceneAssignment{
SceneID: resolvedScenes[0].ID,
Group: refValue,
DurationMS: 0,
From: -1,
To: -1,
return handlers, toRemove
var myTrue = true
var myFalse = false