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package models
import (
func tod(s string) TimeOfDay {
tod, err := ParseTimeOfDay(s)
if err != nil {
return tod
func TestTimeOfDay_IsBetween(t *testing.T) {
table := []struct{
Value TimeOfDay
From TimeOfDay
To TimeOfDay
Expected bool
{ tod("16:13:11"), tod("07"), tod("21:30"), true },
{ tod("16:13:31"), tod("21:30"), tod("07"), false },
{ tod("23:15:32"), tod("21:30"), tod("07"), true },
{ tod("04:13:57"), tod("21:30"), tod("07"), true },
{ tod("16:14:43"), tod("15:30"), tod("16:00"), false },
{ tod("16:14:43"), tod("15:30"), tod("16:15"), true },
{ tod("08:45:43"), tod("07:00:00"), tod("21:30:00"), true },
{ tod("07:00:00"), tod("07:00:00"), tod("21:30:00"), true },
for i, row := range table {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("row_%d", i), func (t *testing.T) {
if row.Value.IsBetween(row.From, row.To) != row.Expected {
t.Log(row.Value, row.From, row.To)