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package models
import (
type Scene struct {
ID int `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
IntervalMS int64 `json:"interval"`
Roles []SceneRole `json:"roles"`
func (s *Scene) Validate() error {
if s.IntervalMS < 0 {
return lerrors.ErrSceneInvalidInterval
if len(s.Roles) == 0 {
return lerrors.ErrSceneNoRoles
for _, role := range s.Roles {
err := role.Validate()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Scene) Role(device *Device) *SceneRole {
index := s.RoleIndex(device)
if index == -1 {
return nil
return &s.Roles[index]
func (s *Scene) RoleIndex(device *Device) int {
for i, role := range s.Roles {
if role.TargetKind.Matches(device, role.TargetValue) {
return i
return -1
type SceneEffect string
const (
SEStatic SceneEffect = "Static"
SERandom SceneEffect = "Random"
SEGradient SceneEffect = "Gradient"
SEWalkingGradient SceneEffect = "WalkingGradient"
SETransition SceneEffect = "Transition"
SEMotion SceneEffect = "Motion"
SETemperature SceneEffect = "Temperature"
type SceneRole struct {
Effect SceneEffect `json:"effect"`
MotionSeconds float64 `json:"motionSeconds"`
MinTemperature int `json:"minTemperature"`
MaxTemperature int `json:"maxTemperature"`
PowerMode ScenePowerMode `json:"powerMode"`
TargetKind ReferenceKind `json:"targetKind"`
TargetValue string `json:"targetValue"`
Interpolate bool `json:"interpolate"`
Relative bool `json:"relative"`
Order string `json:"order"`
States []NewDeviceState `json:"states"`
type SceneRunContext struct {
CurrentTime time.Time
Index int
Length int
IntervalNumber int64
IntervalMax int64
Sensors []SceneSensor
type SceneSensor struct {
ID int
UpdateTime time.Time
Temperature *float64
Presence *bool
func (d *SceneRunContext) PositionFacShifted() float64 {
shiftFac := float64(d.IntervalNumber%int64(d.Length)) / float64(d.Length)
return math.Mod(d.PositionFac()+shiftFac, 1)
func (d *SceneRunContext) PositionFac() float64 {
return float64(d.Index) / float64(d.Length)
func (d *SceneRunContext) IntervalFac() float64 {
fac := float64(d.IntervalNumber) / float64(d.IntervalMax)
if fac > 1 {
return 1
} else if fac < 0 {
return 0
} else {
return fac
func (r *SceneRole) Validate() error {
if len(r.States) == 0 {
return lerrors.ErrSceneRoleNoStates
switch r.TargetKind {
case RKTag, RKBridgeID, RKDeviceID, RKName, RKAll:
return lerrors.ErrBadInput
switch r.PowerMode {
case SPScene, SPDevice, SPBoth:
return lerrors.ErrSceneRoleUnknownPowerMode
switch r.Effect {
case SEStatic, SERandom, SEGradient, SEWalkingGradient, SETransition, SEMotion, SETemperature:
return lerrors.ErrSceneRoleUnknownEffect
switch r.Order {
case "", "-name", "name", "+name", "-id", "id", "+id":
return lerrors.ErrSceneRoleUnsupportedOrdering
return nil
func (r *SceneRole) ApplyOrder(devices []Device) {
if r.Order == "" {
desc := strings.HasPrefix(r.Order, "-")
orderKey := r.Order
if desc || strings.HasPrefix(r.Order, "+") {
orderKey = orderKey[1:]
switch orderKey {
case "id":
sort.Slice(devices, func(i, j int) bool {
if desc {
return devices[i].ID > devices[j].ID
return devices[i].ID < devices[j].ID
case "name":
sort.Slice(devices, func(i, j int) bool {
if desc {
return strings.Compare(devices[i].Name, devices[j].Name) < 0
return strings.Compare(devices[i].Name, devices[j].Name) > 0
func (r *SceneRole) ApplyEffect(device *Device, c SceneRunContext) (newState NewDeviceState) {
switch r.Effect {
case SEStatic:
newState = r.States[0]
case SERandom:
newState = r.State(rand.Float64())
case SEGradient:
newState = r.State(c.PositionFac())
case SEWalkingGradient:
newState = r.State(c.PositionFacShifted())
case SETransition:
newState = r.State(c.IntervalFac())
case SEMotion:
presence := false
absenceTime := time.Time{}
for _, sensors := range c.Sensors {
if sensors.Presence == nil {
if *sensors.Presence {
presence = true
} else {
if sensors.UpdateTime.After(absenceTime) {
absenceTime = sensors.UpdateTime
if presence {
newState = r.State(0.0)
} else {
fac := c.CurrentTime.Sub(absenceTime).Seconds() / r.MotionSeconds
if fac < 0 {
fac = 0
} else if fac > 1 {
fac = 1
newState = r.State(fac)
case SETemperature:
avg := 0.0
count := 0
for _, sensor := range c.Sensors {
if sensor.Temperature == nil {
if count == 0 {
avg = *sensor.Temperature
count = 1
} else {
avg = ((avg * float64(count)) + *sensor.Temperature) / float64(count+1)
count += 1
if r.Relative {
newState = newState.RelativeTo(*device)
switch r.PowerMode {
case SPDevice:
newState.Power = nil
case SPScene:
// Do nothing
case SPBoth:
if newState.Power != nil {
powerIntersection := *newState.Power && device.State.Power
newState.Power = &powerIntersection
func (r *SceneRole) State(fac float64) NewDeviceState {
if len(r.States) == 0 {
return NewDeviceState{}
} else if len(r.States) == 1 {
return r.States[0]
if r.Interpolate {
if len(r.States) == 2 {
return r.States[0].Interpolate(r.States[1], fac)
} else {
pos := fac * float64(len(r.States)-1)
start := math.Floor(pos)
localFac := pos - start
return r.States[int(start)].Interpolate(r.States[int(start)+1], localFac)
} else {
index := int(fac * float64(len(r.States)))
if index == len(r.States) {
index = len(r.States) - 1
return r.States[index]
type ScenePowerMode string
const (
SPDevice ScenePowerMode = "Device" // Device state decides power. Scene state may only power off.
SPScene ScenePowerMode = "Scene" // Scene state decide power.
SPBoth ScenePowerMode = "Both" // Power is only on if both Device and Scene says it is.
// DeviceSceneAssignment is an entry on the device stack. StartTime and DurationMS are only respected when the scene
// instance is created for the group.
type DeviceSceneAssignment struct {
SceneID int `json:"sceneId"`
SceneName string `json:"sceneName"`
Group string `json:"group"`
StartTime time.Time `json:"start"`
DurationMS int64 `json:"durationMs"`
type SceneRepository interface {
Find(ctx context.Context, id int) (*Scene, error)
FindName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*Scene, error)
FetchAll(ctx context.Context) ([]Scene, error)
Save(ctx context.Context, bridge *Scene) error
Delete(ctx context.Context, bridge *Scene) error