# A Log is the "file" of an RP session
type Log {
# A unique identifier for the log.
id: String!
# A secondary unique identifier for the log. This is a lot shorter and more suitable for storage when
# the link doesn't need to be as expressive.
shortId: String!
# The date for a log.
date: String!
# The channel of a log.
channelName: String!
# Information about the channel this log is in.
channel: Channel!
# The session's title.
title: String!
# The log's event, which is the same as the tags in the previous logbot site.
# Empty string means that it's no event.
event: String!
# The description of a session, which is empty if unset.
description: String!
# Whether the log session is open.
open: Boolean!
# The characters involved in the log file.
characters: [Character!]!
# The posts of the logfile, which can be filtered by kinds.
posts(kinds:[String!]): [Post!]!
# Input for logs query
input LogQueryInput {
# Channels to limit results to (inclusive)
channels: [String!]
# Events to limit results to (inclusive)
events: [String!]
# Characters to limit results to (exclusive)
characters: [String!]
# Search post content
search: String
# Limit to only open logs
open: Boolean
# Limit the amount of posts
limit: Int
# Input for addLog mutation
input LogAddInput {
# The date of the log, in RFC3339 format with up to nanosecond precision
date: String!
# The channel where the log is set
channel: String!
# Optional: The log title
title: String
# Optional: Whether the log is open
open: Boolean
# Optional: The log event name
event: String
# Optional: A short description of the log
description: String
# Input for addLog mutation
input LogEditInput {
# The id of the log
id: String!
# The log title
title: String
# The log event name
event: String
# A short description of the log
description: String
# Open/close the log
open: Boolean
# A LogHeader is a cut-down version of Log that does not allow getting the actual posts.
type LogHeader {
# A unique identifier for the log.
id: String!
# A secondary unique identifier for the log. This is a lot shorter and more suitable for storage when
# the link doesn't need to be as expressive.
shortId: String!
# The date for a log.
date: String!
# The channel name of a log.
channelName: String!
# Information about the channel this log is in.
channel: Channel!
# The session's title.
title: String!
# The log's event, which is the same as the tags in the previous logbot site.
# Empty string means that it's no event.
event: String!
# The description of a session, which is empty if unset.
description: String!
# Whether the log session is open.
open: Boolean!
# The characters involved in the log file.
characters: [Character!]!