Browse Source

Story/chapter/comment repos + started on story service.

Gisle Aune 5 years ago
  1. 12
  2. 208
  3. 5
  4. 15
  5. 17
  6. 23
  7. 14
  8. 14
  9. 6
  10. 16
  11. 15
  12. 152


@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ type MongoDB struct {
logs *logRepository
posts *postRepository
files *fileRepository
story repositories.StoryRepository
func (m *MongoDB) Changes() repositories.ChangeRepository {
@ -51,6 +52,10 @@ func (m *MongoDB) Files() repositories.FileRepository {
return m.files
func (m *MongoDB) Story() repositories.StoryRepository {
return m.story
func (m *MongoDB) Close(ctx context.Context) error {
return nil
@ -114,6 +119,12 @@ func Init(cfg config.Database) (*MongoDB, error) {
return nil, err
story, err := newStoryRepository(db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
go posts.fixPositions(logs)
return &MongoDB{
@ -123,6 +134,7 @@ func Init(cfg config.Database) (*MongoDB, error) {
characters: characters,
channels: channels,
tags: newTagRepository(db),
story: story,
logs: logs,
posts: posts,
files: files,


@ -0,0 +1,208 @@
package mongodb
import (
type storyRepository struct {
stories *mgo.Collection
chapters *mgo.Collection
comments *mgo.Collection
func newStoryRepository(db *mgo.Database) (repositories.StoryRepository, error) {
collection := db.C("story.stories")
err := collection.EnsureIndexKey("tags")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = collection.EnsureIndexKey("author")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = collection.EnsureIndexKey("updatedDate")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = collection.EnsureIndexKey("fictionalDate")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = collection.EnsureIndexKey("listed")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &storyRepository{
stories: collection,
chapters: db.C("story.chapters"),
comments: db.C("story.comments"),
}, nil
func (r *storyRepository) Find(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Story, error) {
story := new(models.Story)
err := r.stories.FindId(id).One(story)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return story, nil
func (r *storyRepository) List(ctx context.Context, filter models.StoryFilter) ([]*models.Story, error) {
query := bson.M{}
if filter.Author != nil {
query["author"] = *filter.Author
if filter.Category != nil {
query["category"] = *filter.Category
if filter.Open != nil {
query["open"] = *filter.Open
if len(filter.Tags) > 0 {
query["tags"] = bson.M{"$all": filter.Tags}
if filter.Unlisted != nil {
query["listed"] = *filter.Unlisted
if !filter.EarliestFictionalDate.IsZero() && !filter.LatestFictionalDate.IsZero() {
query["fictionalDate"] = bson.M{
"$gte": filter.EarliestFictionalDate,
"$lte": filter.LatestFictionalDate,
} else if !filter.EarliestFictionalDate.IsZero() {
query["fictionalDate"] = bson.M{
"$gte": filter.EarliestFictionalDate,
} else if !filter.LatestFictionalDate.IsZero() {
query["fictionalDate"] = bson.M{
"$lte": filter.LatestFictionalDate,
stories := make([]*models.Story, 0, 32)
err := r.stories.Find(query).Sort("-updatedDate ").Limit(filter.Limit).All(&stories)
if err != nil {
if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
return stories, nil
return nil, err
return stories, nil
func (r *storyRepository) Insert(ctx context.Context, story models.Story) (*models.Story, error) {
story.ID = generate.StoryID()
err := r.stories.Insert(story)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &story, nil
func (r *storyRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, update models.StoryUpdate) (*models.Story, error) {
updateBson := bson.M{}
if update.Name != nil {
updateBson["name"] = *update.Name
story.Name = *update.Name
if update.Open != nil {
updateBson["open"] = *update.Open
story.Open = *update.Open
if update.Category != nil {
updateBson["category"] = *update.Category
story.Category = *update.Category
if update.Author != nil {
updateBson["author"] = *update.Author
story.Author = *update.Author
if update.FictionalDate != nil {
updateBson["fictionalDate"] = *update.FictionalDate
story.FictionalDate = *update.FictionalDate
if update.UpdatedDate != nil {
updateBson["updatedDate"] = *update.UpdatedDate
story.UpdatedDate = *update.UpdatedDate
if update.Listed != nil {
updateBson["listed"] = *update.Listed
story.Listed = *update.Listed
err := r.stories.UpdateId(story.ID, bson.M{"$set": updateBson})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &story, nil
func (r *storyRepository) AddTag(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, tag models.Tag) error {
ci, err := r.stories.UpdateAll(bson.M{"_id": story.ID}, bson.M{"$addToSet": bson.M{"tags": tag}})
if err != nil {
return err
if ci.Updated == 0 {
return repositories.ErrTagExists
return nil
func (r *storyRepository) RemoveTag(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, tag models.Tag) error {
ci, err := r.stories.UpdateAll(bson.M{"_id": story.ID}, bson.M{"$pull": bson.M{"tags": tag}})
if err != nil {
return err
if ci.Updated == 0 {
return repositories.ErrTagDoesNotExist
return nil
func (r *storyRepository) Delete(ctx context.Context, story models.Story) error {
err := r.stories.RemoveId(story.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
chapterIds := make([]string, 0, 8)
err = r.chapters.Find(bson.M{"storyId": story.ID}).Distinct("_id", &chapterIds)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to find chapterIds:", err)
return nil
if len(chapterIds) > 0 {
c1, err := r.chapters.RemoveAll(bson.M{"storyId": story.ID})
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to remove chapters:", err)
return nil
c2, err := r.chapters.RemoveAll(bson.M{"comments": bson.M{"$in": chapterIds}})
if err != nil {
log.Println("Failed to remove comments:", err)
return nil
log.Printf("Removed story %s (%d chapters, %d comments)", story.ID, c1.Removed, c2.Removed)
return nil


@ -53,6 +53,11 @@ func ChapterID() string {
return ID("SC", 24)
// CommentID generates a post ID.
func CommentID() string {
return ID("SCC", 32)
// FileID generates a file ID.
func FileID() string {
return ID("F", 16)


@ -25,4 +25,17 @@ func (chapter *Chapter) CanComment() bool {
// ChangeObject in GQL.
func (*Chapter) IsChangeObject() {
panic("this method is a dummy, and so is its caller")
type ChapterFilter struct {
StoryID *string
Limit int
type ChapterUpdate struct {
Title *string
Source *string
FictionalDate *time.Time
CommentMode *ChapterCommentMode
CommentsLocked *bool


@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ type Comment struct {
CharacterID string `bson:"characterId"`
FictionalDate time.Time `bson:"fictionalDate"`
CreatedDate time.Time `bson:"createdDate"`
EditedDate time.Time `bson:"editeddDate"`
EditedDate time.Time `bson:"editedDate"`
Source string `bson:"source"`
@ -20,4 +20,17 @@ type Comment struct {
// ChangeObject in GQL.
func (*Comment) IsChangeObject() {
panic("this method is a dummy, and so is its caller")
type CommentFilter struct {
ChapterID *string
Limit int
type CommentUpdate struct {
Source *string
CharacterName *string
CharacterID *string
Subject *string
FictionalDate *time.Time


@ -21,4 +21,25 @@ type Story struct {
// ChangeObject in GQL.
func (*Story) IsChangeObject() {
panic("this method is a dummy, and so is its caller")
type StoryFilter struct {
Author *string
Tags []Tag
EarliestFictionalDate time.Time
LatestFictionalDate time.Time
Category *StoryCategory
Open *bool
Unlisted *bool
Limit int
type StoryUpdate struct {
Name *string
Category *StoryCategory
Author *string
Open *bool
Listed *bool
FictionalDate *time.Time
UpdatedDate *time.Time


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package repositories
import (
type ChapterRepository interface {
Find(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Chapter, error)
List(ctx context.Context, filter models.ChapterFilter) ([]*models.Chapter, error)
Insert(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter) (*models.Chapter, error)
Update(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter, update models.ChapterUpdate) (*models.Story, error)
Delete(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter) error


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package repositories
import (
type CommentRepository interface {
Find(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Comment, error)
List(ctx context.Context, filter models.CommentFilter) ([]*models.Comment, error)
Insert(ctx context.Context, comment models.Comment) (*models.Comment, error)
Update(ctx context.Context, comment models.Comment, update models.CommentUpdate) (*models.Story, error)
Delete(ctx context.Context, comment models.Comment) error


@ -10,3 +10,9 @@ var ErrInvalidPosition = errors.New("position is out of bounds")
// ErrParentMismatch is returned if the list refer to different parent objects when it shouldn't.
var ErrParentMismatch = errors.New("parent resource is not the same for the entire list")
// ErrTagExists is returned if an existing tag is added again.
var ErrTagExists = errors.New("tag already exists")
// ErrTagDoesNotExist is returned if a non-existing tag is attempted removed.
var ErrTagDoesNotExist = errors.New("tag already exists")


@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package repositories
import (
type StoryRepository interface {
Find(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Story, error)
List(ctx context.Context, filter models.StoryFilter) ([]*models.Story, error)
Insert(ctx context.Context, story models.Story) (*models.Story, error)
Update(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, update models.StoryUpdate) (*models.Story, error)
AddTag(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, tag models.Tag) error
RemoveTag(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, tag models.Tag) error
Delete(ctx context.Context, story models.Story) error


@ -45,6 +45,21 @@ func (s *ChangeService) Submit(ctx context.Context, model models.ChangeModel, op
Date: time.Now(),
// Do not allow * keys in unlisted objects, but allow laziness on the
// call site to not bloat the code too much.
if !listed {
deleteList := make([]int, 0, 2)
for i, key := range keys {
if key.ID == "*" {
deleteList = append(deleteList, i-len(deleteList))
for _, index := range deleteList {
change.Keys = append(change.Keys[:index], change.Keys[index+1:]...)
for _, obj := range objects {
if !change.AddObject(obj) {
log.Printf("Cannot add object of type %T to change", obj)


@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
package services
import (
// StoryService is a service governing all operations on stories and child objects.
type StoryService struct {
stories repositories.StoryRepository
chapters repositories.ChapterRepository
comments repositories.CommentRepository
changeService *ChangeService
func (s *StoryService) FindStory(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Story, error) {
return s.stories.Find(ctx, id)
func (s *StoryService) ListStories(ctx context.Context, filter models.StoryFilter) ([]*models.Story, error) {
return s.stories.List(ctx, filter)
func (s *StoryService) ListChapters(ctx context.Context, story models.Story) ([]*models.Chapter, error) {
return s.chapters.List(ctx, models.ChapterFilter{StoryID: &story.ID, Limit: 0})
func (s *StoryService) ListComments(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter, limit int) ([]*models.Comment, error) {
return s.comments.List(ctx, models.CommentFilter{ChapterID: &chapter.ID, Limit: limit})
func (s *StoryService) CreateStory(ctx context.Context, name, author string, category models.StoryCategory, listed, open bool, tags []models.Tag, createdDate, fictionalDate time.Time) (*models.Story, error) {
story := &models.Story{
Name: name,
Author: author,
Category: category,
Listed: listed,
Open: open,
Tags: tags,
CreatedDate: createdDate,
FictionalDate: fictionalDate,
UpdatedDate: createdDate,
if err := auth.CheckPermission(ctx, "add", story); err != nil {
return nil, err
story, err := s.stories.Insert(ctx, *story)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Story", "add", story.Listed, changekeys.Listed(story), story)
return story, nil
func (s *StoryService) CreateChapter(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, title, author, source string, createdDate time.Time, fictionalDate *time.Time, commentMode models.ChapterCommentMode) (*models.Chapter, error) {
chapter := &models.Chapter{
ID: generate.ChapterID(),
StoryID: story.ID,
Title: title,
Author: author,
Source: source,
CreatedDate: createdDate,
EditedDate: createdDate,
CommentMode: commentMode,
CommentsLocked: false,
if fictionalDate != nil {
chapter.FictionalDate = *fictionalDate
if story.Open {
if !auth.TokenFromContext(ctx).Permitted("member", "chapter.add") {
return nil, auth.ErrUnauthorized
} else {
if err := auth.CheckPermission(ctx, "add", chapter); err != nil {
return nil, err
chapter, err := s.chapters.Insert(ctx, *chapter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if createdDate.After(story.UpdatedDate) {
_, _ = s.stories.Update(ctx, story, models.StoryUpdate{UpdatedDate: &createdDate})
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Chapter", "add", story.Listed, changekeys.Many(story, chapter), chapter)
return chapter, nil
// CreateComment adds a comment.
func (s *StoryService) CreateComment(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter, subject, author, source, characterName string, character *models.Character, createdDate time.Time, fictionalDate time.Time) (*models.Comment, error) {
characterID := ""
if character != nil {
characterID = character.ID
if !chapter.CanComment() {
return nil, errors.New("comments are locked or disabled")
if author == "" {
if token := auth.TokenFromContext(ctx); token != nil {
author = token.UserID
} else {
return nil, auth.ErrUnauthenticated
comment := &models.Comment{
ID: generate.CommentID(),
ChapterID: chapter.ID,
Subject: subject,
Author: author,
CharacterName: characterName,
CharacterID: characterID,
FictionalDate: fictionalDate,
CreatedDate: createdDate,
EditedDate: createdDate,
Source: source,
if err := auth.CheckPermission(ctx, "add", comment); err != nil {
return nil, err
comment, err := s.comments.Insert(ctx, *comment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if story, err := s.stories.Find(ctx, chapter.StoryID); err == nil {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Comment", "add", story.Listed, changekeys.Many(story, chapter, comment), comment)
} else {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Comment", "add", false, changekeys.Many(chapter, comment), comment)
return comment, nil