# A Post is a part of a log
type Post {
  # The post's ID
  id: String!

  # The post's Log ID. This is the closest thing to a link back since this API graph doesn't have any cycles.
  logId: String!

  # The date and time of posting
  time: String!

  # The kind of post this is. Only "text", "scene" and "action" are RP, while others are annotations and 'commands'.
  kind: String!

  # The character nick
  nick: String!

  # The post's text, which purpose depends on the kind
  text: String!

  # The post's position, used for reordering
  position: Int!

# Input for the addPost mutation
input AddPostInput {
  # The log's ID that this post should be a part of
  logId: String!

  # The date and time of posting, in a RFC3339 format with up to a nanosecond's precision
  time: String!

  # The kind of post this is. Only "text", "scene" and "action" are RP, while others are annotations and 'commands'.
  kind: String!

  # The character nick, or command invoker for non-RP stuff
  nick: String!

  # The post's text, which purpose depends on the kind
  text: String!

# Input for the editPost mutation
input EditPostInput {
  # The Post ID
  id: String!

  # The date and time of posting, in a RFC3339 format with up to a nanosecond's precision
  time: String

  # The kind of post this is. Only "text", "scene" and "action" are RP, while others are annotations and 'commands'.
  kind: String

  # The character nick, or command invoker for non-RP stuff
  nick: String

  # The post's text, which purpose depends on the kind
  text: String

# Input for the movePost mutation
input MovePostInput {
  # The Post ID
  id: String!

  # Target index
  toPosition: Int!