GraphQL API and utilities for the rpdata project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

161 lines
3.4 KiB

package parsers
import (
var ErrSkip = errors.New("parsers: skip this post")
func IRCCloudLogs(data string, location *time.Location, threshold time.Duration) ([]ParsedLog, error) {
lines := strings.Split(data, "\n")
pos := 0
results := make([]ParsedLog, 0, 8)
for pos < len(lines) {
log, n, err := IRCCloudLog(lines[pos:], location, threshold)
if err != nil {
if err == ErrEmptyLog {
pos += n
return nil, err
pos += n
results = append(results, *log)
return results, nil
// IRCCloudLog parses the log and returns the things that can be gleamed from them.
func IRCCloudLog(lines []string, location *time.Location, threshold time.Duration) (*ParsedLog, int, error) {
posts := make([]*models.Post, 0, len(lines))
prev := (*models.Post)(nil)
amount := 0
for _, line := range lines {
line = strings.Trim(line, "\r\t  ")
if len(line) < 1 {
amount += 1
post, err := IRCCloudPost(line, location)
if err == ErrSkip {
amount += 1
} else if err != nil {
return nil, -1, err
if prev != nil {
if post.Time.Sub(prev.Time) >= threshold {
post.Position = prev.Position + 1
} else {
post.Position = 1
posts = append(posts, &post)
prev = &post
amount += 1
if len(posts) == 0 {
return nil, amount, ErrEmptyLog
log := models.Log{
Date: posts[0].Time,
return &ParsedLog{log, posts}, amount, nil
// IRCCloudPost parses a post from a mirc-like line. If the previous post is included (it can be empty), it will be used
// to determine whether midnight has passed.
func IRCCloudPost(line string, tz *time.Location) (models.Post, error) {
// Do basic validation
line = strings.Trim(line, "  \t\n\r")
if len(line) == 0 || !strings.HasPrefix(line, "[") {
return models.Post{}, &ParseError{
Line: line,
Problem: "no timestamp",
// Parse timestamp
tsEndIndex := strings.IndexByte(line, ']')
if tsEndIndex == -1 || len(line) < tsEndIndex+5 {
return models.Post{}, &ParseError{
Line: line,
Problem: "incomplete timestamp",
tsStr := line[1:tsEndIndex]
ts, err := time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", tsStr, tz)
if err != nil {
return models.Post{}, &ParseError{
Line: line,
Problem: fmt.Sprintf("Could not parse date: %s", err.Error()),
if strings.HasPrefix(line[tsEndIndex+2:], "—") {
split := strings.SplitN(line[tsEndIndex+6:], " ", 2)
if len(split) == 1 {
return models.Post{}, &ParseError{
Line: line,
Problem: "post is empty",
post := models.Post{
Time: ts,
Kind: "action",
Nick: strings.Trim(strings.TrimLeft(split[0], "+@!~"), "\u001F"),
Text: split[1],
if strings.HasPrefix(post.Nick, "=") {
post.Kind = "scene"
return post, nil
} else if line[tsEndIndex+2] == '<' {
split := strings.SplitN(line[tsEndIndex+2:], " ", 2)
if len(split) == 1 {
return models.Post{}, &ParseError{
Line: line,
Problem: "post is empty",
post := models.Post{
Time: ts,
Kind: "text",
Nick: strings.Trim(strings.TrimLeft(split[0][1:len(split[0])-1], "+@!~"), "\u001F"),
Text: split[1],
if strings.HasPrefix(post.Nick, "=") {
post.Kind = "scene"
return post, nil
} else {
return models.Post{}, ErrSkip