GraphQL API and utilities for the rpdata project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package story
import (
var storyCollection *mgo.Collection
// ErrTagAlreadyExists is an error returned by Story.AddTag
var ErrTagAlreadyExists = errors.New("Tag already exists")
// ErrTagNotExists is an error returned by Story.RemoveTag
var ErrTagNotExists = errors.New("Tag does not exist")
// A Story is user content that does not have a wiki-suitable format. Documents, new stories, short stories, and so on.
// The story model is a container for multiple chapters this time, in contrast to the previous version.
type Story struct {
ID string `bson:"_id"`
Author string `bson:"author"`
Name string `bson:"name"`
Category string `bson:"category"`
Open bool `bson:"open"`
Listed bool `bson:"listed"`
Tags []Tag `bson:"tags"`
CreatedDate time.Time `bson:"createdDate"`
FictionalDate time.Time `bson:"fictionalDate,omitempty"`
UpdatedDate time.Time `bson:"updatedDate"`
// AddTag adds a tag to the story. It returns ErrTagAlreadyExists if the tag is already there
func (story *Story) AddTag(tag Tag) error {
for i := range story.Tags {
if story.Tags[i].Equal(tag) {
return ErrTagAlreadyExists
err := storyCollection.UpdateId(story.ID, bson.M{"$push": bson.M{"tags": tag}})
if err != nil {
return err
story.Tags = append(story.Tags, tag)
return nil
// RemoveTag removes a tag to the story. It returns ErrTagNotExists if the tag does not exist.
func (story *Story) RemoveTag(tag Tag) error {
index := -1
for i := range story.Tags {
if story.Tags[i].Equal(tag) {
index = i
if index == -1 {
return ErrTagNotExists
err := storyCollection.UpdateId(story.ID, bson.M{"$pull": bson.M{"tags": tag}})
if err != nil {
return err
story.Tags = append(story.Tags[:index], story.Tags[index+1:]...)
return nil
// Edit edits the story, reflecting the new values in the story's struct values. If nothing will be
// changed, it will silently return without a database roundtrip.
func (story *Story) Edit(name, category *string, listed, open *bool, fictionalDate *time.Time) error {
changes := bson.M{}
changed := *story
if name != nil && *name == story.Name {
changes["name"] = *name
changed.Name = *name
if category != nil && *category == story.Category {
changes["category"] = *category
changed.Name = *category
if listed != nil && *listed == story.Listed {
changes["listed"] = *listed
changed.Listed = *listed
if open != nil && *open == story.Open {
changes["open"] = *open
changed.Open = *open
if fictionalDate != nil && *fictionalDate == story.FictionalDate {
changes["fictionalDate"] = *fictionalDate
changed.FictionalDate = *fictionalDate
if len(changes) == 0 {
return nil
err := storyCollection.UpdateId(story.ID, bson.M{"$set": changes})
if err != nil {
return err
*story = changed
return nil
// Remove the story from the database
func (story *Story) Remove() error {
return storyCollection.RemoveId(story.ID)
// AddChapter adds a chapter to the story. This does not enforce the `Open` setting, but it will log a warning if it
// occurs
func (story *Story) AddChapter(title, author, source string, createdDate, finctionalDate time.Time) (Chapter, error) {
if !story.Open && author != story.Author {
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "WARNING: AddChapter is breaking Open rules (,,, chapter.title=%#+v)", story.ID, story.Name, author, title)
chapter := Chapter{
ID: makeChapterID(),
StoryID: story.ID,
Title: title,
Author: author,
Source: source,
CreatedDate: createdDate,
FictionalDate: finctionalDate,
EditedDate: createdDate,
err := chapterCollection.Insert(chapter)
if err != nil {
return Chapter{}, err
if createdDate.After(story.UpdatedDate) {
if err := storyCollection.UpdateId(story.ID, bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"updatedDate": createdDate}}); err == nil {
story.UpdatedDate = createdDate
return chapter, nil
// New creates a new story.
func New(name, author, category string, listed, open bool, tags []Tag, createdDate, fictionalDate time.Time) (Story, error) {
story := Story{
ID: makeStoryID(),
Name: name,
Author: author,
Category: category,
Listed: listed,
Open: open,
Tags: tags,
CreatedDate: createdDate,
FictionalDate: fictionalDate,
UpdatedDate: createdDate,
err := storyCollection.Insert(story)
if err != nil {
return Story{}, err
return story, nil
// FindID finds a story by ID
func FindID(id string) (Story, error) {
story := Story{}
err := storyCollection.FindId(id).One(&story)
return story, err
// List lists stories by any non-zero criteria passed with it.
func List(author string, tags []Tag, earliest, latest time.Time, limit int) ([]Story, error) {
query := bson.M{}
if author != "" {
query["author"] = author
if len(tags) > 0 {
query["tags"] = bson.M{"$in": tags}
if !earliest.IsZero() && !latest.IsZero() {
query["fictionalDate"] = bson.M{
"$gte": earliest,
"$lt": latest,
} else if !latest.IsZero() {
query["fictionalDate"] = bson.M{
"$lt": latest,
} else if !earliest.IsZero() {
query["fictionalDate"] = bson.M{
"$gte": earliest,
stories := make([]Story, 0, 128)
err := storyCollection.Find(query).Limit(limit).One(&stories)
return stories, err
// makeStoryID makes a random story ID that's 16 characters long
func makeStoryID() string {
result := "S"
offset := 0
data := make([]byte, 32)
for len(result) < 16 {
result += strconv.FormatUint(binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(data[offset:]), 36)
offset += 8
if offset >= 32 {
offset = 0
return result[:16]
func init() {
store.HandleInit(func(db *mgo.Database) {
storyCollection = db.C("story.stories")