GraphQL API and utilities for the rpdata project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package postgres
import (
type chapterRepository struct {
insertWithIDs bool
db *sql.DB
func (r *chapterRepository) Find(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Chapter, error) {
chapter, err := psqlcore.New(r.db).SelectChapter(ctx, id)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.chapter(chapter), nil
func (r *chapterRepository) List(ctx context.Context, filter models.ChapterFilter) ([]*models.Chapter, error) {
params := psqlcore.SelectChaptersParams{
StoryID: "",
LimitSize: 10000,
if filter.StoryID != nil {
params.StoryID = *filter.StoryID
if filter.Limit > 0 {
params.LimitSize = int32(filter.Limit)
chapters, err := psqlcore.New(r.db).SelectChapters(ctx, params)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return r.chapters(chapters), nil
func (r *chapterRepository) Insert(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter) (*models.Chapter, error) {
if !r.insertWithIDs || len(chapter.ID) < 8 {
chapter.ID = generate.ChapterID()
err := psqlcore.New(r.db).InsertChapter(ctx, psqlcore.InsertChapterParams{
ID: chapter.ID,
StoryID: chapter.StoryID,
Title: chapter.Title,
Author: chapter.Author,
Source: chapter.Source,
CreatedDate: chapter.CreatedDate.UTC(),
FictionalDate: chapter.FictionalDate.UTC(),
EditedDate: chapter.EditedDate.UTC(),
CommentMode: string(chapter.CommentMode),
CommentsLocked: chapter.CommentsLocked,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &chapter, nil
func (r *chapterRepository) Update(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter, update models.ChapterUpdate) (*models.Chapter, error) {
err := psqlcore.New(r.db).UpdateChapter(ctx, psqlcore.UpdateChapterParams{
Title: chapter.Title,
Source: chapter.Source,
FictionalDate: chapter.FictionalDate.UTC(),
CommentMode: string(chapter.CommentMode),
CommentsLocked: chapter.CommentsLocked,
ID: chapter.ID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &chapter, nil
func (r *chapterRepository) Move(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter, from, to models.Story) (*models.Chapter, error) {
err := psqlcore.New(r.db).UpdateChapterStoryID(ctx, psqlcore.UpdateChapterStoryIDParams{
StoryID: to.ID,
ID: chapter.ID,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chapter.StoryID = to.ID
return &chapter, nil
func (r *chapterRepository) Delete(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter) error {
return psqlcore.New(r.db).DeleteChapter(ctx, chapter.ID)
func (r *chapterRepository) chapter(chapter psqlcore.StoryChapter) *models.Chapter {
return &models.Chapter{
ID: chapter.ID,
StoryID: chapter.StoryID,
Title: chapter.Title,
Author: chapter.Author,
Source: chapter.Source,
CreatedDate: chapter.CreatedDate,
FictionalDate: chapter.FictionalDate,
EditedDate: chapter.EditedDate,
CommentMode: models.ChapterCommentMode(chapter.CommentMode),
CommentsLocked: chapter.CommentsLocked,
func (r *chapterRepository) chapters(chapters []psqlcore.StoryChapter) []*models.Chapter {
results := make([]*models.Chapter, 0, len(chapters))
for _, chapter := range chapters {
results = append(results, r.chapter(chapter))
return results