GraphQL API and utilities for the rpdata project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package queries
import (
// Queries
func (r *resolver) Comment(ctx context.Context, id string) (models.Comment, error) {
return comments.Find(id)
// Mutations
func (r *mutationResolver) AddComment(ctx context.Context, input input.CommentAddInput) (models.Comment, error) {
chapter, err := chapters.FindID(input.ChapterID)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Chapter not found")
token := auth.TokenFromContext(ctx)
if !token.Permitted("member", "story.edit") {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Unauthorized")
if !chapter.CanComment() {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("You cannot comment on this chapter")
var characterPtr *models.Character
if input.CharacterID != nil {
character, err := characters.FindID(*input.CharacterID)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Character not found")
} else if character.Author != token.UserID {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("That is not your character")
characterPtr = &character
fictionalDate := time.Time{}
if input.FictionalDate != nil {
fictionalDate = *input.FictionalDate
subject := ""
if input.Subject != nil {
subject = *input.Subject
comment, err := comments.Add(chapter, subject, token.UserID, input.Source, input.CharacterName, characterPtr, time.Now(), fictionalDate)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Failed to add comment: " + err.Error())
go changes.Submit("Comment", "add", token.UserID, true, changekeys.Many(comment, chapter, models.Story{ID: chapter.StoryID}), comment, chapter)
return comment, nil
func (r *mutationResolver) EditComment(ctx context.Context, input input.CommentEditInput) (models.Comment, error) {
comment, err := comments.Find(input.CommentID)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Comment not found")
token := auth.TokenFromContext(ctx)
if !token.PermittedUser(comment.Author, "member", "story.edit") {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("You cannot edit this comment")
chapter, err := chapters.FindID(comment.ChapterID)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Comment's chapter not found")
if !chapter.CanComment() {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Comments are disabled or locked")
if input.ClearFictionalDate != nil && *input.ClearFictionalDate == true {
input.FictionalDate = &time.Time{}
if input.CharacterID != nil && *input.CharacterID != "" {
character, err := characters.FindID(*input.CharacterID)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Character not found")
} else if character.Author != token.UserID {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("That is not your character")
comment, err = comments.Edit(comment, input.Source, input.CharacterName, input.CharacterID, input.Subject, input.FictionalDate)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Could not post comment: " + err.Error())
go changes.Submit("Comment", "edit", token.UserID, true, changekeys.Many(comment, chapter, models.Story{ID: chapter.StoryID}), comment, chapter)
return comment, nil
func (r *mutationResolver) RemoveComment(ctx context.Context, input input.CommentRemoveInput) (models.Comment, error) {
comment, err := comments.Find(input.CommentID)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Comment not found")
token := auth.TokenFromContext(ctx)
if !token.PermittedUser(comment.Author, "member", "story.edit") {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("You cannot remove this comment")
chapter, err := chapters.FindID(comment.ChapterID)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Comment's chapter not found")
if !chapter.CanComment() {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Comments are disabled or locked")
err = comments.Remove(comment)
if err != nil {
return models.Comment{}, errors.New("Failed to remove comment: " + err.Error())
return comment, nil