GraphQL API and utilities for the rpdata project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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schema {
query: Query
type Query {
# Find character by either an ID or a nick.
character(id: String, nick: String): Character!
# Find characters
characters(filter: CharactersFilter): [Character!]!
# Find channel by name
channel(name: String!): Channel!
# Find channels
channels(filter: ChannelsFilter): [Channel!]!
# Find post by ID.
post(id: String!): Post!
# Find posts
posts(filter: PostsFilter): [Post!]!
# Find log by ID
log(id: String!): Log!
# Find logs
logs(filter: LogsFilter): [Log!]!
# Find story chapter by ID
chapter(id: String!): Chapter!
# Find all distinct tags used in stories
tags: [Tag!]!
# Find story by ID
story(id: String!): Story!
# Find stories
stories(filter: StoriesFilter): [Story!]!
# Find file by ID
file(id: String!): File!
# Find files
files(filter: FilesFilter): [File!]!
# Get information about the token, useful for debugging.
token: Token!
# A Date represents a RFC3339 encoded date with up to millisecond precision.
scalar Date