GraphQL API and utilities for the rpdata project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Code generated by sqlc. DO NOT EDIT.
// source: counter.sql
package psqlcore
import (
const bumpCounter = `-- name: BumpCounter :exec
UPDATE core_counter SET value = value + 1 WHERE id = $1::text AND value <= $2::int
type BumpCounterParams struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Value int32 `json:"value"`
func (q *Queries) BumpCounter(ctx context.Context, arg BumpCounterParams) error {
_, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, bumpCounter, arg.ID, arg.Value)
return err
const ensureCounter = `-- name: EnsureCounter :exec
INSERT INTO core_counter (id, value) VALUES ($1::text, 0) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING
func (q *Queries) EnsureCounter(ctx context.Context, dollar_1 string) error {
_, err := q.db.ExecContext(ctx, ensureCounter, dollar_1)
return err
const incrementCounter = `-- name: IncrementCounter :one
UPDATE core_counter SET value = value + 1 WHERE id = $1::text RETURNING value::int
func (q *Queries) IncrementCounter(ctx context.Context, dollar_1 string) (int32, error) {
row := q.db.QueryRowContext(ctx, incrementCounter, dollar_1)
var value int32
err := row.Scan(&value)
return value, err