GraphQL API and utilities for the rpdata project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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962 B

# A Tag is a means of associating stories that have details in common with one another.
type Tag {
# The tag's kind
kind: TagKind!
# The tag's name
name: String!
# A Tag is a means of associating stories that have details in common with one another.
input TagInput {
# The tag's kind
kind: TagKind!
# The tag's name
name: String!
# Allowed values for Tag.kind
enum TagKind {
# An organization is a catch all term for in-universe corporations, teams, groups, cults, forces, etc...
# A character tag should have the exact full name of the character.
# A location is anything from a planet to an establishment. This may overlap with an organization, and if so, both
# kinds of tags should be used.
# An event is a plot or a part of a plot.
# None of the above, but it does still tie multiple stories together. The new story/chapter format may obsolete this tag kind.