GraphQL API and utilities for the rpdata project
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package services
import (
// StoryService is a service governing all operations on stories and child objects.
type StoryService struct {
stories repositories.StoryRepository
chapters repositories.ChapterRepository
comments repositories.CommentRepository
changeService *ChangeService
characterService *CharacterService
authService *AuthService
func (s *StoryService) FindStory(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Story, error) {
return s.stories.Find(ctx, id)
func (s *StoryService) FindChapter(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Chapter, error) {
return s.chapters.Find(ctx, id)
func (s *StoryService) FindComment(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Comment, error) {
return s.comments.Find(ctx, id)
func (s *StoryService) ListStories(ctx context.Context, filter models.StoryFilter) ([]*models.Story, error) {
return s.stories.List(ctx, filter)
func (s *StoryService) ListChapters(ctx context.Context, story models.Story) ([]*models.Chapter, error) {
return s.chapters.List(ctx, models.ChapterFilter{StoryID: &story.ID, Limit: 0})
func (s *StoryService) ListComments(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter, limit int) ([]*models.Comment, error) {
return s.comments.List(ctx, models.CommentFilter{ChapterID: &chapter.ID, Limit: limit})
func (s *StoryService) CreateStory(ctx context.Context, name string, author *string, category models.StoryCategory, listed, open bool, tags []models.Tag, createdDate, fictionalDate time.Time) (*models.Story, error) {
if author == nil {
token := s.authService.TokenFromContext(ctx)
if token == nil {
return nil, ErrUnauthenticated
author = &token.UserID
story := &models.Story{
Name: name,
Author: *author,
Category: category,
Listed: listed,
Open: open,
Tags: tags,
CreatedDate: createdDate,
FictionalDate: fictionalDate,
UpdatedDate: createdDate,
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "add", story); err != nil {
return nil, err
story, err := s.stories.Insert(ctx, *story)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Story", "add", story.Listed, changekeys.Listed(story), story)
return story, nil
func (s *StoryService) CreateChapter(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, title, source string, author *string, createdDate time.Time, fictionalDate *time.Time, commentMode models.ChapterCommentMode) (*models.Chapter, error) {
if author == nil {
token := s.authService.TokenFromContext(ctx)
if token == nil {
return nil, ErrUnauthenticated
author = &token.UserID
chapter := &models.Chapter{
ID: generate.ChapterID(),
StoryID: story.ID,
Title: title,
Author: *author,
Source: source,
CreatedDate: createdDate,
EditedDate: createdDate,
CommentMode: commentMode,
CommentsLocked: false,
if fictionalDate != nil {
chapter.FictionalDate = *fictionalDate
if story.Open {
if !s.authService.TokenFromContext(ctx).Permitted("member", "chapter.add") {
return nil, ErrUnauthorized
} else {
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "add", chapter); err != nil {
return nil, err
chapter, err := s.chapters.Insert(ctx, *chapter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if createdDate.After(story.UpdatedDate) {
_, _ = s.stories.Update(ctx, story, models.StoryUpdate{UpdatedDate: &createdDate})
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Chapter", "add", story.Listed, changekeys.Many(story, chapter), chapter)
return chapter, nil
func (s *StoryService) CreateComment(ctx context.Context, chapter models.Chapter, subject, author, source, characterName string, characterID *string, createdDate time.Time, fictionalDate time.Time) (*models.Comment, error) {
if characterID != nil {
if err := s.permittedCharacter(ctx, "comment", *characterID); err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
characterID = new(string)
if !chapter.CanComment() {
return nil, errors.New("comments are locked or disabled")
if author == "" {
if token := s.authService.TokenFromContext(ctx); token != nil {
author = token.UserID
} else {
return nil, ErrUnauthenticated
comment := &models.Comment{
ID: generate.CommentID(),
ChapterID: chapter.ID,
Subject: subject,
Author: author,
CharacterName: characterName,
CharacterID: *characterID,
FictionalDate: fictionalDate,
CreatedDate: createdDate,
EditedDate: createdDate,
Source: source,
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "add", comment); err != nil {
return nil, err
comment, err := s.comments.Insert(ctx, *comment)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if story, err := s.stories.Find(ctx, chapter.StoryID); err == nil {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Comment", "add", story.Listed, changekeys.Many(story, chapter, comment), comment)
} else {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Comment", "add", false, changekeys.Many(models.Story{ID: chapter.StoryID}, chapter, comment), comment)
return comment, nil
func (s *StoryService) EditStory(ctx context.Context, story *models.Story, name *string, category *models.StoryCategory, listed, open *bool, fictionalDate *time.Time) (*models.Story, error) {
if story == nil {
panic("StoryService.Edit called with nil story")
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "edit", story); err != nil {
return nil, err
story, err := s.stories.Update(ctx, *story, models.StoryUpdate{
Name: name,
Open: open,
Listed: listed,
Category: category,
FictionalDate: fictionalDate,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Story", "edit", story.Listed, changekeys.Listed(story), story)
return story, nil
func (s *StoryService) AddStoryTag(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, tag models.Tag) (*models.Story, error) {
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "edit", &story); err != nil {
return nil, err
err := s.stories.AddTag(ctx, story, tag)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
story.Tags = append(story.Tags, tag)
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Story", "tag", story.Listed, changekeys.Listed(story), story, tag)
return &story, nil
func (s *StoryService) RemoveStoryTag(ctx context.Context, story models.Story, tag models.Tag) (*models.Story, error) {
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "edit", &story); err != nil {
return nil, err
err := s.stories.RemoveTag(ctx, story, tag)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for i, tag2 := range story.Tags {
if tag2 == tag {
story.Tags = append(story.Tags[:i], story.Tags[i+1:]...)
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Story", "untag", story.Listed, changekeys.Listed(story), story, tag)
return &story, nil
func (s *StoryService) EditChapter(ctx context.Context, chapter *models.Chapter, title, source *string, fictionalDate *time.Time, commentMode *models.ChapterCommentMode, commentsLocked *bool) (*models.Chapter, error) {
if chapter == nil {
panic("StoryService.EditChapter called with nil chapter")
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "edit", chapter); err != nil {
return nil, err
chapter, err := s.chapters.Update(ctx, *chapter, models.ChapterUpdate{
Title: title,
Source: source,
FictionalDate: fictionalDate,
CommentMode: commentMode,
CommentsLocked: commentsLocked,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if story, err := s.stories.Find(ctx, chapter.StoryID); err == nil {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Chapter", "edit", story.Listed, changekeys.Many(story, chapter), chapter)
} else {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Chapter", "edit", false, changekeys.Many(models.Story{ID: chapter.StoryID}, chapter), chapter)
return chapter, nil
func (s *StoryService) MoveChapter(ctx context.Context, chapter *models.Chapter, from, to models.Story) (*models.Chapter, error) {
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "move", chapter); err != nil {
return nil, err
if to.Open {
if !s.authService.TokenFromContext(ctx).Permitted("member", "chapter.add") {
return nil, ErrUnauthorized
} else {
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "add", chapter); err != nil {
return nil, err
chapter, err := s.chapters.Move(ctx, *chapter, from, to)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Chapter", "move-out", from.Listed, changekeys.Listed(from), chapter)
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Chapter", "move-in", to.Listed, changekeys.Listed(to), chapter)
return chapter, nil
func (s *StoryService) EditComment(ctx context.Context, comment *models.Comment, source, characterName, characterID, subject *string, fictionalDate *time.Time) (*models.Comment, error) {
if comment == nil {
panic("StoryService.EditChapter called with nil chapter")
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "edit", comment); err != nil {
return nil, err
if characterID != nil && *characterID != "" && *characterID != comment.CharacterID {
if err := s.permittedCharacter(ctx, "comment", *characterID); err != nil {
return nil, err
chapter, err := s.chapters.Find(ctx, comment.ChapterID)
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.New("could not find chapter")
if !chapter.CanComment() {
return nil, errors.New("comments are locked or disabled")
comment, err = s.comments.Update(ctx, *comment, models.CommentUpdate{
Source: source,
CharacterName: characterName,
CharacterID: characterID,
FictionalDate: fictionalDate,
Subject: subject,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if story, err := s.stories.Find(ctx, chapter.StoryID); err == nil {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Comment", "edit", story.Listed, changekeys.Many(story, chapter, comment), comment)
} else {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Comment", "edit", false, changekeys.Many(models.Story{ID: chapter.StoryID}, chapter, comment), comment)
return comment, nil
func (s *StoryService) RemoveStory(ctx context.Context, story *models.Story) error {
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "add", story); err != nil {
return err
err := s.stories.Delete(ctx, *story)
if err != nil {
return err
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Story", "remove", story.Listed, changekeys.Listed(story), story)
return nil
func (s *StoryService) RemoveChapter(ctx context.Context, chapter *models.Chapter) error {
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "remove", chapter); err != nil {
return err
err := s.chapters.Delete(ctx, *chapter)
if err != nil {
return err
if story, err := s.stories.Find(ctx, chapter.StoryID); err == nil {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Chapter", "remove", story.Listed, changekeys.Many(story, chapter), chapter)
} else {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Chapter", "remove", false, changekeys.Many(models.Story{ID: chapter.StoryID}, chapter), chapter)
return nil
func (s *StoryService) RemoveComment(ctx context.Context, comment *models.Comment) error {
if err := s.authService.CheckPermission(ctx, "remove", comment); err != nil {
return err
chapter, err := s.chapters.Find(ctx, comment.ChapterID)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("could not find parent chapter")
if !chapter.CanComment() {
return errors.New("comments are locked or disabled")
err = s.comments.Delete(ctx, *comment)
if err != nil {
return err
if story, err := s.stories.Find(ctx, chapter.StoryID); err == nil {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Comment", "remove", story.Listed, changekeys.Many(story, chapter, comment), comment)
} else {
s.changeService.Submit(ctx, "Comment", "remove", false, changekeys.Many(models.Story{ID: chapter.StoryID}, chapter, comment), comment)
return nil
func (s *StoryService) permittedCharacter(ctx context.Context, permissionKind, characterID string) error {
character, err := s.characterService.Find(ctx, characterID)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("character could not be found")
token := s.authService.TokenFromContext(ctx)
if character.Author != token.UserID && !token.Permitted(permissionKind+".edit") {
return errors.New("you are not permitted to use others' character")
return nil