module.exports = class { onCreate(input) { this.state = { shortName: "", name: "", text: "", nameSuffix: "", modal: null, removed: false, multipart: false, }
this.updatePost(input) }
open(modal) { this.state.modal = modal }
close() { this.state.modal = null }
move(toPosition) { this.emit("move", toPosition) }
remove() { this.state.removed = true this.emit("remove") }
edited(data) { this.emit("edited", data) }
onInput(input) { if (this.state == null) { return }
const timediff = Date.parse(input.post.time) - Date.parse(input.prev.time) this.state.multipart = (input.post.nick == input.prev.nick && input.prev.multipart !== false) && (Math.abs(timediff) < 60000);
this.updatePost(input) }
updatePost(input) { this.state.shortName = input.post.nick.split("_").shift() this.state.name = input.post.nick this.state.nameSuffix = "" this.state.text = input.post.text.replace(/\x02/g, "**").replace(/\x1D/g, "_")
if (input.post.kind === "text" && !this.state.text.includes("\"")) { this.state.text = '"' + this.state.text + '"' }
if (!input.post.nick.startsWith("=")) { const postNick = input.post.nick.replace("'s", "").replace("s'", "s") for (const character of input.characters) { for (const nick of character.nicks) { if (nick === postNick) { this.state.name = character.name this.state.shortName = character.shortName
if (input.post.nick.endsWith("'s") || input.post.nick.endsWith("'")) { this.state.nameSuffix = (character.shortName.endsWith("s") || character.shortName.endsWith("z")) ? "'" : "'s" }
return } } } } }
kindClass(prefix) { if (this.input.post == null) { return }
return `${prefix}${this.input.post.kind.replace(".", "-")}` } }