const moment = require("moment") const {chapterApi} = require("../../../../../rpdata/api/Chapter") module.exports = class { onCreate(input) { this.state = { error: null, loading: false, values: { title: "", source: "", fictionalDate: "", commentMode: "Article", commentsLocked: false, }, } this.first = false } onInput(input) { if (input.chapter && !this.first) { let {fictionalDate, title, source, commentMode, commentsLocked} = input.chapter if (fictionalDate != null) { fictionalDate = moment.utc(fictionalDate).format("MMM D, YYYY") } this.state.values = {fictionalDate, title, source, commentMode, commentsLocked} } } change(key, ev) { this.state.values = Object.assign({}, this.state.values, {[key]:}) } open() { } close() { this.first = false this.emit("close") } save() { const values = this.state.values let fictionalDate = new Date(values.fictionalDate + " UTC") if (values.fictionalDate != "") { if (Number.isNaN(fictionalDate.getTime())) { this.state.error = `Could not parse ${values.fictionalDate} as date.` if (values.fictionalDate.includes("th")) { this.state.error += " Try to remove the 'th'." } return } } else { fictionalDate = null } const input = {id:, title: values.title, source: values.source, commentsLocked: values.commentsLocked, commentMode: values.commentMode} if (fictionalDate != null) { input.fictionalDate = fictionalDate } else { input.clearFictionalDate = true } chapterApi.editChapter(input).then(data => { this.emit("edit", data) this.emit("close") }).catch(errs => { console.warn("Failed to edit:", errs) this.state.error = "Failed to edit: " + errs[0].message }).then(() => { this.state.loading = false }) } }