The frontend/UI server, written in JS using the MarkoJS library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

36 lines
1.4 KiB

<modal class="modal color-text nolabel link-file-modal" key="modal" enabled=(input.enabled) closable on-close("close") on-open("open") >
<h1>Links for ${}</h1>
Below are links and copy-pastable syntax for sharing the file. They can be used for linking to it
in your stories and wiki pages.
<p class="color-danger">
This is the link to the actual file on the CDN, not a share of it. You must delete the file if you want
to un-share it.
<p class="color-danger">
Images uploaded here cannot be inlined on the wiki. For that you have to upload it there.
<input key="url" disabled placeholder="(None)" on-change("change", "eventName") value=input.file.url />
<label>Markdown link</label>
<input key="mdLink" disabled placeholder="(None)" on-change("change", "locationName") value=`[Link text](${input.file.url})` />
<label>Wiki link</label>
<input key="wikiLink" disabled placeholder="(None)" on-change("change", "locationName") value=`[${input.file.url} Link text]` />
<label>Markdown image</label>
<input key="mdImage" disabled placeholder="(None)" on-change("change", "locationName") value=`![Alt. text](${input.file.url})` />
<label>Image Preview</label>
<img src=input.file.url alt="File preview"/>