The frontend/UI server, written in JS using the MarkoJS library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
927 B

<modal class="modal color-text nolabel" key="modal" enabled=(input.enabled) closable on-close("close") on-open("open") >
<h1>Manage Nicks</h1>
<p class="color-error">${state.error}</p>
<label>Add Nick</label>
<div class="add-nick-row">
<input key="newNick" placeholder="New_Nick" class="big" on-change("change", "newNick") value=state.values.newNick />
<button disabled=state.loading on-click("addNick")>Add</button>
<label>Current Nicks</label>
<div for(nick in input.character.nicks) class="existing-nick-row" key=nick >
<div class="content color-text">${nick}</div>
<button disabled=state.loading on-click("removeNick", nick)>Remove</button>
<h2>Unknown Nicks</h2>
<p>These are the 100 most common nicks in the logs, maybe one of these belongs to <strong>${}</strong>?</p>
<unknown-nick-list key="un-list" on-select("selectUnknown") />