The frontend/UI server, written in JS using the MarkoJS library
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

26 lines
1.5 KiB

<modal class="modal color-text nolabel" key="modal" enabled=(input.enabled) closable on-close("close") on-open("open") >
<h1>Edit Post ${}</h1>
<p key="error" class="color-error">${state.error}</p>
<input key="time" placeholder="Title" class="big" on-change("change", "time") value=state.values.time />
<select key="kind" class="big" placeholder="Kind" on-change("change", "kind") value=state.values.kind>
<option value="text" selected=(state.values.kind === "text")>Text (text, /npc)</option>
<option value="action" selected=(state.values.kind === "action")>Action (/me, /npca)</option>
<option value="scene" selected=(state.values.kind === "scene")>Scene (/scene)</option>
<option value="" selected=(state.values.kind === "")>Annotation - Info</option>
<option value="annotation.warning" selected=(state.values.kind === "annotation.warning")>Annotation - Warning</option>
<option value="annotation.error" selected=(state.values.kind === "annotation.error")>Annotation - Error</option>
<input key="nick" placeholder="IRC_Nick (You can use non-IRC letters here, like ', but I recommend you don't so the character is found)" class="big" on-change("change", "nick") value=state.values.nick />
<textarea key="text" placeholder="Text" class="tall" on-change("change", "text") value=state.values.text />
<button disabled=state.loading on-click("save")>Alter history</button>