""" An issue item is a requirement of an item under an issue. """ type IssueItem { "ID of the issue item listing." id: String! "The amount of the item associated with an issue." quantity: Int! "Whether the full quantity of item has been acquired." acquired: Boolean! "Parent issue of the issue item." issue: Issue! "The item associated with the issue." item: Item! "The amount of items remaining." remaining: Int! } "Input for the items query." input IssueItemFilter { "Filter to only these IDs, used primarily by IDs." issueItemIds: [String!] "Filter to only these issues." issueIds: [String!] "Filter to only issues where these are the asignees." issueAssignees: [String!] "Filter to only issues where these are the owners." issueOwners: [String!] "Filter by issue minimum stage (inclusive)." issueMinStage: Int "Filter by issue maximum stage (inclusive)." issueMaxStage: Int "Filter to only list issue items with these items." itemIds: [String!] "Filter to only list issue items where the item has these tags." itemTags: [String!] "Only listed acquired or non-acquired items." acquired: Boolean } "Input for the items query." input IssueIssueItemFilter { "Filter to only these IDs, used primarily by IDs." issueItemIds: [String!] "Filter to only list issue items with these items." itemIds: [String!] "Filter to only list issue items where the item has these tags." itemTags: [String!] "Only listed acquired or non-acquired items." acquired: Boolean } "Input for the createIssueItem mutation." input IssueItemCreateInput { "Parent issue." issueId: String! "Item to associate with." itemId: String! "Quantity of the item." quanitty: Int! "Whether the item has already been acquired." acquired: Boolean } "Input for the editIssueItem mutation." input IssueItemEditInput { "The ID of the issue item to edit." issueItemId: String! "Update the quantity of the item." setQuanitty: Int "Update whether the item has been acquired." setAcquired: Boolean }