stufflog graphql server
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

4983 lines
134 KiB

// Code generated by, DO NOT EDIT.
package graphcore
import (
gqlparser ""
// region ************************** generated!.gotpl **************************
// NewExecutableSchema creates an ExecutableSchema from the ResolverRoot interface.
func NewExecutableSchema(cfg Config) graphql.ExecutableSchema {
return &executableSchema{
resolvers: cfg.Resolvers,
directives: cfg.Directives,
complexity: cfg.Complexity,
type Config struct {
Resolvers ResolverRoot
Directives DirectiveRoot
Complexity ComplexityRoot
type ResolverRoot interface {
Issue() IssueResolver
Mutation() MutationResolver
Project() ProjectResolver
Query() QueryResolver
type DirectiveRoot struct {
type ComplexityRoot struct {
Issue struct {
Assignee func(childComplexity int) int
AssigneeID func(childComplexity int) int
CreatedTime func(childComplexity int) int
Description func(childComplexity int) int
DueTime func(childComplexity int) int
ID func(childComplexity int) int
Name func(childComplexity int) int
Owner func(childComplexity int) int
OwnerID func(childComplexity int) int
Project func(childComplexity int) int
ProjectID func(childComplexity int) int
StatusName func(childComplexity int) int
StatusStage func(childComplexity int) int
Title func(childComplexity int) int
UpdatedTime func(childComplexity int) int
Mutation struct {
LoginUser func(childComplexity int, input *UserLoginInput) int
LogoutUser func(childComplexity int) int
Project struct {
DailyPoints func(childComplexity int) int
Description func(childComplexity int) int
ID func(childComplexity int) int
Issues func(childComplexity int, filter *ProjectIssueFilter) int
Name func(childComplexity int) int
Permissions func(childComplexity int) int
UserPermissions func(childComplexity int) int
ProjectPermissions struct {
AccessLevel func(childComplexity int) int
User func(childComplexity int) int
UserID func(childComplexity int) int
ProjectStatus struct {
Description func(childComplexity int) int
Name func(childComplexity int) int
Stage func(childComplexity int) int
Query struct {
Issue func(childComplexity int, id string) int
Issues func(childComplexity int, filter *models.IssueFilter) int
Project func(childComplexity int, id string) int
Projects func(childComplexity int, filter *models.ProjectFilter) int
Session func(childComplexity int) int
User struct {
Active func(childComplexity int) int
Admin func(childComplexity int) int
ID func(childComplexity int) int
Name func(childComplexity int) int
type IssueResolver interface {
Project(ctx context.Context, obj *models.Issue) (*models.Project, error)
Owner(ctx context.Context, obj *models.Issue) (*models.User, error)
Assignee(ctx context.Context, obj *models.Issue) (*models.User, error)
type MutationResolver interface {
LoginUser(ctx context.Context, input *UserLoginInput) (*models.User, error)
LogoutUser(ctx context.Context) (*models.User, error)
type ProjectResolver interface {
Issues(ctx context.Context, obj *models.Project, filter *ProjectIssueFilter) ([]*models.Issue, error)
Permissions(ctx context.Context, obj *models.Project) ([]*ProjectPermissions, error)
UserPermissions(ctx context.Context, obj *models.Project) (*ProjectPermissions, error)
type QueryResolver interface {
Issue(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Issue, error)
Issues(ctx context.Context, filter *models.IssueFilter) ([]*models.Issue, error)
Project(ctx context.Context, id string) (*models.Project, error)
Projects(ctx context.Context, filter *models.ProjectFilter) ([]*models.Project, error)
Session(ctx context.Context) (*models.User, error)
type executableSchema struct {
resolvers ResolverRoot
directives DirectiveRoot
complexity ComplexityRoot
func (e *executableSchema) Schema() *ast.Schema {
return parsedSchema
func (e *executableSchema) Complexity(typeName, field string, childComplexity int, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (int, bool) {
ec := executionContext{nil, e}
_ = ec
switch typeName + "." + field {
case "Issue.assignee":
if e.complexity.Issue.Assignee == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.Assignee(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.assigneeId":
if e.complexity.Issue.AssigneeID == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.AssigneeID(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.createdTime":
if e.complexity.Issue.CreatedTime == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.CreatedTime(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.description":
if e.complexity.Issue.Description == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.Description(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.dueTime":
if e.complexity.Issue.DueTime == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.DueTime(childComplexity), true
case "":
if e.complexity.Issue.ID == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.ID(childComplexity), true
case "":
if e.complexity.Issue.Name == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.Name(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.owner":
if e.complexity.Issue.Owner == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.Owner(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.ownerId":
if e.complexity.Issue.OwnerID == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.OwnerID(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.project":
if e.complexity.Issue.Project == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.Project(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.projectId":
if e.complexity.Issue.ProjectID == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.ProjectID(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.statusName":
if e.complexity.Issue.StatusName == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.StatusName(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.statusStage":
if e.complexity.Issue.StatusStage == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.StatusStage(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.title":
if e.complexity.Issue.Title == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.Title(childComplexity), true
case "Issue.updatedTime":
if e.complexity.Issue.UpdatedTime == nil {
return e.complexity.Issue.UpdatedTime(childComplexity), true
case "Mutation.loginUser":
if e.complexity.Mutation.LoginUser == nil {
args, err := ec.field_Mutation_loginUser_args(context.TODO(), rawArgs)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return e.complexity.Mutation.LoginUser(childComplexity, args["input"].(*UserLoginInput)), true
case "Mutation.logoutUser":
if e.complexity.Mutation.LogoutUser == nil {
return e.complexity.Mutation.LogoutUser(childComplexity), true
case "Project.dailyPoints":
if e.complexity.Project.DailyPoints == nil {
return e.complexity.Project.DailyPoints(childComplexity), true
case "Project.description":
if e.complexity.Project.Description == nil {
return e.complexity.Project.Description(childComplexity), true
case "":
if e.complexity.Project.ID == nil {
return e.complexity.Project.ID(childComplexity), true
case "Project.issues":
if e.complexity.Project.Issues == nil {
args, err := ec.field_Project_issues_args(context.TODO(), rawArgs)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return e.complexity.Project.Issues(childComplexity, args["filter"].(*ProjectIssueFilter)), true
case "":
if e.complexity.Project.Name == nil {
return e.complexity.Project.Name(childComplexity), true
case "Project.permissions":
if e.complexity.Project.Permissions == nil {
return e.complexity.Project.Permissions(childComplexity), true
case "Project.userPermissions":
if e.complexity.Project.UserPermissions == nil {
return e.complexity.Project.UserPermissions(childComplexity), true
case "ProjectPermissions.accessLevel":
if e.complexity.ProjectPermissions.AccessLevel == nil {
return e.complexity.ProjectPermissions.AccessLevel(childComplexity), true
case "ProjectPermissions.user":
if e.complexity.ProjectPermissions.User == nil {
return e.complexity.ProjectPermissions.User(childComplexity), true
case "ProjectPermissions.userId":
if e.complexity.ProjectPermissions.UserID == nil {
return e.complexity.ProjectPermissions.UserID(childComplexity), true
case "ProjectStatus.description":
if e.complexity.ProjectStatus.Description == nil {
return e.complexity.ProjectStatus.Description(childComplexity), true
case "":
if e.complexity.ProjectStatus.Name == nil {
return e.complexity.ProjectStatus.Name(childComplexity), true
case "ProjectStatus.stage":
if e.complexity.ProjectStatus.Stage == nil {
return e.complexity.ProjectStatus.Stage(childComplexity), true
case "Query.issue":
if e.complexity.Query.Issue == nil {
args, err := ec.field_Query_issue_args(context.TODO(), rawArgs)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return e.complexity.Query.Issue(childComplexity, args["id"].(string)), true
case "Query.issues":
if e.complexity.Query.Issues == nil {
args, err := ec.field_Query_issues_args(context.TODO(), rawArgs)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return e.complexity.Query.Issues(childComplexity, args["filter"].(*models.IssueFilter)), true
case "Query.project":
if e.complexity.Query.Project == nil {
args, err := ec.field_Query_project_args(context.TODO(), rawArgs)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return e.complexity.Query.Project(childComplexity, args["id"].(string)), true
case "Query.projects":
if e.complexity.Query.Projects == nil {
args, err := ec.field_Query_projects_args(context.TODO(), rawArgs)
if err != nil {
return 0, false
return e.complexity.Query.Projects(childComplexity, args["filter"].(*models.ProjectFilter)), true
case "Query.session":
if e.complexity.Query.Session == nil {
return e.complexity.Query.Session(childComplexity), true
case "":
if e.complexity.User.Active == nil {
return e.complexity.User.Active(childComplexity), true
case "User.admin":
if e.complexity.User.Admin == nil {
return e.complexity.User.Admin(childComplexity), true
case "":
if e.complexity.User.ID == nil {
return e.complexity.User.ID(childComplexity), true
case "":
if e.complexity.User.Name == nil {
return e.complexity.User.Name(childComplexity), true
return 0, false
func (e *executableSchema) Exec(ctx context.Context) graphql.ResponseHandler {
rc := graphql.GetOperationContext(ctx)
ec := executionContext{rc, e}
first := true
switch rc.Operation.Operation {
case ast.Query:
return func(ctx context.Context) *graphql.Response {
if !first {
return nil
first = false
data := ec._Query(ctx, rc.Operation.SelectionSet)
var buf bytes.Buffer
return &graphql.Response{
Data: buf.Bytes(),
case ast.Mutation:
return func(ctx context.Context) *graphql.Response {
if !first {
return nil
first = false
data := ec._Mutation(ctx, rc.Operation.SelectionSet)
var buf bytes.Buffer
return &graphql.Response{
Data: buf.Bytes(),
return graphql.OneShot(graphql.ErrorResponse(ctx, "unsupported GraphQL operation"))
type executionContext struct {
func (ec *executionContext) introspectSchema() (*introspection.Schema, error) {
if ec.DisableIntrospection {
return nil, errors.New("introspection disabled")
return introspection.WrapSchema(parsedSchema), nil
func (ec *executionContext) introspectType(name string) (*introspection.Type, error) {
if ec.DisableIntrospection {
return nil, errors.New("introspection disabled")
return introspection.WrapTypeFromDef(parsedSchema, parsedSchema.Types[name]), nil
var sources = []*ast.Source{
&ast.Source{Name: "schema/issue.gql", Input: `type Issue {
id: String!
projectId: String!
ownerId: String!
assigneeId: String!
statusStage: Int!
statusName: String!
createdTime: Time!
updatedTime: Time!
dueTime: Time
name: String!
title: String!
description: String!
project: Project
owner: User
assignee: User
input IssueFilter {
"Filter by issue IDs (mostly used internally by data loaders)"
issueIds: [String!]
"Filter by project IDs"
projectIds: [String!]
"Filter by owner IDs"
ownerIds: [String!]
"Filter by assignee IDs"
assigneeIds: [String!]
"Text search"
search: String
"Earliest stage (inclusive)"
minStage: Int
"Latest stage (inclusive)"
maxStage: Int
"Limit the result set"
limit: Int
}`, BuiltIn: false},
&ast.Source{Name: "schema/mutation.gql", Input: `type Mutation {
loginUser(input: UserLoginInput): User!
logoutUser: User!
}`, BuiltIn: false},
&ast.Source{Name: "schema/project.gql", Input: `type Project {
"The ID of the project, which is also the prefix for all its issues."
id: String!
"The name of the project, used in place of the ID in the UI."
name: String!
"Description of the project."
description: String!
"The amount of points given as a bonus towards goals for any activity on a given day."
dailyPoints: Int!
"Get issues within the project."
issues(filter: ProjectIssueFilter): [Issue!]!
"All users' permissions. Only available to administrators and up."
permissions: [ProjectPermissions!]!
"Own permissions to the project. Available to any logged in user."
userPermissions: ProjectPermissions!
"The permissions of a user within the project."
type ProjectPermissions {
"User ID."
userId: String!
"Access level."
accessLevel: Int!
"The user whose permissions it is. Can be null if the user no longer exists."
user: User
type ProjectStatus {
"The stage of the status. 0=inactive, 1=pending, 2=active, 3=review, 4=completed, 5=failed, 6=postponed"
stage: Int!
"The name of the status."
name: String!
"A description of the status and where it's used."
description: String!
"Filter for projects query"
input ProjectFilter {
"Project IDs"
projectIds: [String!]
"Text search"
search: String
"User permission"
permission: ProjectFilterPermission
input ProjectFilterPermission {
"User ID"
userId: String!
"Lowest access level to filter by (inclusive)"
minLevel: Int!
"Highest access level to filter by (inclusive)"
maxLevel: Int!
"A limited filter for constraining the list of issues within a project."
input ProjectIssueFilter {
"Filter by assignee IDs"
assigneeIds: [String!]
"Text search"
search: String
"Earliest stage (inclusive)"
minStage: Int
"Latest stage (inclusive)"
maxStage: Int
"Limit the result set"
limit: Int
}`, BuiltIn: false},
&ast.Source{Name: "schema/query.gql", Input: `type Query {
"Find issue"
issue(id: String!): Issue!
"List issues"
issues(filter: IssueFilter): [Issue!]!
"Find project"
project(id: String!): Project!
"List projects"
projects(filter: ProjectFilter): [Project!]!
"Session checks the user session."
session: User
}`, BuiltIn: false},
&ast.Source{Name: "schema/scalars.gql", Input: `scalar Time`, BuiltIn: false},
&ast.Source{Name: "schema/user.gql", Input: `"User information."
type User {
"User ID, used when logging in."
id: String!
"User's display name, which can differ from the user ID."
name: String!
"Whether the user is active."
active: Boolean!
"Whether the user has general administrator privileges. This does not grant admin rights on any project."
admin: Boolean!
"Input for loginUser."
input UserLoginInput {
userId: String!
password: String!
rememberMe: Boolean!
`, BuiltIn: false},
var parsedSchema = gqlparser.MustLoadSchema(sources...)
// endregion ************************** generated!.gotpl **************************
// region ***************************** args.gotpl *****************************
func (ec *executionContext) field_Mutation_loginUser_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 *UserLoginInput
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["input"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalOUserLoginInput2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐUserLoginInput(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["input"] = arg0
return args, nil
func (ec *executionContext) field_Project_issues_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 *ProjectIssueFilter
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["filter"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalOProjectIssueFilter2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectIssueFilter(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["filter"] = arg0
return args, nil
func (ec *executionContext) field_Query___type_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 string
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["name"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalNString2string(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["name"] = arg0
return args, nil
func (ec *executionContext) field_Query_issue_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 string
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["id"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalNString2string(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["id"] = arg0
return args, nil
func (ec *executionContext) field_Query_issues_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 *models.IssueFilter
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["filter"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalOIssueFilter2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssueFilter(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["filter"] = arg0
return args, nil
func (ec *executionContext) field_Query_project_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 string
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["id"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalNString2string(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["id"] = arg0
return args, nil
func (ec *executionContext) field_Query_projects_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 *models.ProjectFilter
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["filter"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalOProjectFilter2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectFilter(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["filter"] = arg0
return args, nil
func (ec *executionContext) field___Type_enumValues_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 bool
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["includeDeprecated"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalOBoolean2bool(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["includeDeprecated"] = arg0
return args, nil
func (ec *executionContext) field___Type_fields_args(ctx context.Context, rawArgs map[string]interface{}) (map[string]interface{}, error) {
var err error
args := map[string]interface{}{}
var arg0 bool
if tmp, ok := rawArgs["includeDeprecated"]; ok {
arg0, err = ec.unmarshalOBoolean2bool(ctx, tmp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
args["includeDeprecated"] = arg0
return args, nil
// endregion ***************************** args.gotpl *****************************
// region ************************** directives.gotpl **************************
// endregion ************************** directives.gotpl **************************
// region **************************** field.gotpl *****************************
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_id(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.ID, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_projectId(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.ProjectID, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_ownerId(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.OwnerID, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_assigneeId(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.AssigneeID, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_statusStage(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.StatusStage, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(int)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNInt2int(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_statusName(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.StatusName, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_createdTime(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.CreatedTime, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(time.Time)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNTime2timeᚐTime(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_updatedTime(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.UpdatedTime, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(time.Time)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNTime2timeᚐTime(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_dueTime(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.DueTime, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(time.Time)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOTime2timeᚐTime(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_title(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Title, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_description(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Description, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_project(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Issue().Project(rctx, obj)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.Project)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOProject2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProject(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_owner(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Issue().Owner(rctx, obj)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.User)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOUser2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue_assignee(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Issue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Issue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Issue().Assignee(rctx, obj)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.User)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOUser2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Mutation_loginUser(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Mutation",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field_Mutation_loginUser_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Mutation().LoginUser(rctx, args["input"].(*UserLoginInput))
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.User)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNUser2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Mutation_logoutUser(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Mutation",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Mutation().LogoutUser(rctx)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.User)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNUser2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Project_id(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Project) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Project",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.ID, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Project_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Project) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Project",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Project_description(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Project) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Project",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Description, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Project_dailyPoints(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Project) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Project",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.DailyPoints, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(int)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNInt2int(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Project_issues(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Project) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Project",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field_Project_issues_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Project().Issues(rctx, obj, args["filter"].(*ProjectIssueFilter))
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]*models.Issue)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNIssue2ᚕᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssueᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Project_permissions(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Project) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Project",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Project().Permissions(rctx, obj)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]*ProjectPermissions)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNProjectPermissions2ᚕᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectPermissionsᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Project_userPermissions(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.Project) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Project",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Project().UserPermissions(rctx, obj)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*ProjectPermissions)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNProjectPermissions2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectPermissions(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _ProjectPermissions_userId(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *ProjectPermissions) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "ProjectPermissions",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.UserID, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _ProjectPermissions_accessLevel(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *ProjectPermissions) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "ProjectPermissions",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.AccessLevel, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(int)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNInt2int(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _ProjectPermissions_user(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *ProjectPermissions) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "ProjectPermissions",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.User, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.User)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOUser2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _ProjectStatus_stage(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.ProjectStatus) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "ProjectStatus",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Stage, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(int)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNInt2int(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _ProjectStatus_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.ProjectStatus) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "ProjectStatus",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _ProjectStatus_description(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.ProjectStatus) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "ProjectStatus",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Description, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Query_issue(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Query",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field_Query_issue_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Query().Issue(rctx, args["id"].(string))
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.Issue)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNIssue2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssue(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Query_issues(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Query",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field_Query_issues_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Query().Issues(rctx, args["filter"].(*models.IssueFilter))
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]*models.Issue)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNIssue2ᚕᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssueᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Query_project(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Query",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field_Query_project_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Query().Project(rctx, args["id"].(string))
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.Project)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNProject2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProject(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Query_projects(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Query",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field_Query_projects_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Query().Projects(rctx, args["filter"].(*models.ProjectFilter))
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]*models.Project)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNProject2ᚕᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Query_session(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Query",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.resolvers.Query().Session(rctx)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*models.User)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOUser2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Query___type(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Query",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field_Query___type_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.introspectType(args["name"].(string))
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _Query___schema(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Query",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return ec.introspectSchema()
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*introspection.Schema)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__Schema2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐSchema(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _User_id(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.User) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "User",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.ID, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _User_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.User) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "User",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _User_active(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.User) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "User",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Active, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(bool)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNBoolean2bool(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) _User_admin(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *models.User) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "User",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Admin, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(bool)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNBoolean2bool(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Directive_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Directive) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Directive",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Directive_description(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Directive) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Directive",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Description, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Directive_locations(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Directive) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Directive",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Locations, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__DirectiveLocation2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Directive_args(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Directive) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Directive",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Args, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.InputValue)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__InputValue2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐInputValueᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___EnumValue_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.EnumValue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__EnumValue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___EnumValue_description(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.EnumValue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__EnumValue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Description, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___EnumValue_isDeprecated(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.EnumValue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__EnumValue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.IsDeprecated(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(bool)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNBoolean2bool(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___EnumValue_deprecationReason(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.EnumValue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__EnumValue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.DeprecationReason(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Field_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Field) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Field",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Field_description(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Field) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Field",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Description, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Field_args(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Field) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Field",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Args, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.InputValue)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__InputValue2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐInputValueᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Field_type(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Field) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Field",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Type, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Field_isDeprecated(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Field) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Field",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.IsDeprecated(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(bool)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNBoolean2bool(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Field_deprecationReason(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Field) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Field",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.DeprecationReason(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___InputValue_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.InputValue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__InputValue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___InputValue_description(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.InputValue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__InputValue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Description, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___InputValue_type(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.InputValue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__InputValue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Type, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___InputValue_defaultValue(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.InputValue) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__InputValue",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: false,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.DefaultValue, nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Schema_types(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Schema) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Schema",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Types(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__Type2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐTypeᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Schema_queryType(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Schema) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Schema",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.QueryType(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Schema_mutationType(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Schema) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Schema",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.MutationType(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Schema_subscriptionType(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Schema) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Schema",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.SubscriptionType(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Schema_directives(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Schema) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Schema",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Directives(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.Directive)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__Directive2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐDirectiveᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_kind(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Kind(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, fc) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalN__TypeKind2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_name(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Name(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_description(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Description(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(string)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalOString2string(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_fields(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field___Type_fields_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Fields(args["includeDeprecated"].(bool)), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.Field)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__Field2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐFieldᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_interfaces(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.Interfaces(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__Type2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐTypeᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_possibleTypes(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.PossibleTypes(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__Type2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐTypeᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_enumValues(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
rawArgs := field.ArgumentMap(ec.Variables)
args, err := ec.field___Type_enumValues_args(ctx, rawArgs)
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
fc.Args = args
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.EnumValues(args["includeDeprecated"].(bool)), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.EnumValue)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__EnumValue2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐEnumValueᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_inputFields(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.InputFields(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.([]introspection.InputValue)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__InputValue2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐInputValueᚄ(ctx, field.Selections, res)
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type_ofType(ctx context.Context, field graphql.CollectedField, obj *introspection.Type) (ret graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = graphql.Null
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "__Type",
Field: field,
Args: nil,
IsMethod: true,
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
resTmp, err := ec.ResolverMiddleware(ctx, func(rctx context.Context) (interface{}, error) {
ctx = rctx // use context from middleware stack in children
return obj.OfType(), nil
if err != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, err)
return graphql.Null
if resTmp == nil {
return graphql.Null
res := resTmp.(*introspection.Type)
fc.Result = res
return ec.marshalO__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, field.Selections, res)
// endregion **************************** field.gotpl *****************************
// region **************************** input.gotpl *****************************
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalInputIssueFilter(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}) (models.IssueFilter, error) {
var it models.IssueFilter
var asMap = obj.(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range asMap {
switch k {
case "issueIds":
var err error
it.IssueIDs, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "projectIds":
var err error
it.ProjectIDs, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "ownerIds":
var err error
it.OwnerIDs, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "assigneeIds":
var err error
it.AssigneeIDs, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "search":
var err error
it.Search, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "minStage":
var err error
it.MinStage, err = ec.unmarshalOInt2ᚖint(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "maxStage":
var err error
it.MaxStage, err = ec.unmarshalOInt2ᚖint(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "limit":
var err error
it.Limit, err = ec.unmarshalOInt2ᚖint(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
return it, nil
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalInputProjectFilter(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}) (models.ProjectFilter, error) {
var it models.ProjectFilter
var asMap = obj.(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range asMap {
switch k {
case "projectIds":
var err error
it.ProjectIDs, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "search":
var err error
it.Search, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "permission":
var err error
it.Permission, err = ec.unmarshalOProjectFilterPermission2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectFilterPermission(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
return it, nil
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalInputProjectFilterPermission(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}) (models.ProjectFilterPermission, error) {
var it models.ProjectFilterPermission
var asMap = obj.(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range asMap {
switch k {
case "userId":
var err error
it.UserID, err = ec.unmarshalNString2string(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "minLevel":
var err error
it.MinLevel, err = ec.unmarshalNInt2int(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "maxLevel":
var err error
it.MaxLevel, err = ec.unmarshalNInt2int(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
return it, nil
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalInputProjectIssueFilter(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}) (ProjectIssueFilter, error) {
var it ProjectIssueFilter
var asMap = obj.(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range asMap {
switch k {
case "assigneeIds":
var err error
it.AssigneeIds, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "search":
var err error
it.Search, err = ec.unmarshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "minStage":
var err error
it.MinStage, err = ec.unmarshalOInt2ᚖint(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "maxStage":
var err error
it.MaxStage, err = ec.unmarshalOInt2ᚖint(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "limit":
var err error
it.Limit, err = ec.unmarshalOInt2ᚖint(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
return it, nil
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalInputUserLoginInput(ctx context.Context, obj interface{}) (UserLoginInput, error) {
var it UserLoginInput
var asMap = obj.(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range asMap {
switch k {
case "userId":
var err error
it.UserID, err = ec.unmarshalNString2string(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "password":
var err error
it.Password, err = ec.unmarshalNString2string(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
case "rememberMe":
var err error
it.RememberMe, err = ec.unmarshalNBoolean2bool(ctx, v)
if err != nil {
return it, err
return it, nil
// endregion **************************** input.gotpl *****************************
// region ************************** interface.gotpl ***************************
// endregion ************************** interface.gotpl ***************************
// region **************************** object.gotpl ****************************
var issueImplementors = []string{"Issue"}
func (ec *executionContext) _Issue(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *models.Issue) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, issueImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("Issue")
case "id":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_id(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "projectId":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_projectId(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "ownerId":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_ownerId(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "assigneeId":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_assigneeId(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "statusStage":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_statusStage(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "statusName":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_statusName(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "createdTime":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_createdTime(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "updatedTime":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_updatedTime(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "dueTime":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_dueTime(ctx, field, obj)
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_name(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "title":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_title(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "description":
out.Values[i] = ec._Issue_description(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "project":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Issue_project(ctx, field, obj)
return res
case "owner":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Issue_owner(ctx, field, obj)
return res
case "assignee":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Issue_assignee(ctx, field, obj)
return res
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var mutationImplementors = []string{"Mutation"}
func (ec *executionContext) _Mutation(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, mutationImplementors)
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Mutation",
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("Mutation")
case "loginUser":
out.Values[i] = ec._Mutation_loginUser(ctx, field)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "logoutUser":
out.Values[i] = ec._Mutation_logoutUser(ctx, field)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var projectImplementors = []string{"Project"}
func (ec *executionContext) _Project(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *models.Project) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, projectImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("Project")
case "id":
out.Values[i] = ec._Project_id(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec._Project_name(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "description":
out.Values[i] = ec._Project_description(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "dailyPoints":
out.Values[i] = ec._Project_dailyPoints(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
case "issues":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Project_issues(ctx, field, obj)
if res == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
return res
case "permissions":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Project_permissions(ctx, field, obj)
if res == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
return res
case "userPermissions":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Project_userPermissions(ctx, field, obj)
if res == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
return res
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var projectPermissionsImplementors = []string{"ProjectPermissions"}
func (ec *executionContext) _ProjectPermissions(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *ProjectPermissions) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, projectPermissionsImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("ProjectPermissions")
case "userId":
out.Values[i] = ec._ProjectPermissions_userId(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "accessLevel":
out.Values[i] = ec._ProjectPermissions_accessLevel(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "user":
out.Values[i] = ec._ProjectPermissions_user(ctx, field, obj)
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var projectStatusImplementors = []string{"ProjectStatus"}
func (ec *executionContext) _ProjectStatus(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *models.ProjectStatus) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, projectStatusImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("ProjectStatus")
case "stage":
out.Values[i] = ec._ProjectStatus_stage(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec._ProjectStatus_name(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "description":
out.Values[i] = ec._ProjectStatus_description(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var queryImplementors = []string{"Query"}
func (ec *executionContext) _Query(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, queryImplementors)
ctx = graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, &graphql.FieldContext{
Object: "Query",
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("Query")
case "issue":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Query_issue(ctx, field)
if res == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
return res
case "issues":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Query_issues(ctx, field)
if res == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
return res
case "project":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Query_project(ctx, field)
if res == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
return res
case "projects":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Query_projects(ctx, field)
if res == graphql.Null {
atomic.AddUint32(&invalids, 1)
return res
case "session":
field := field
out.Concurrently(i, func() (res graphql.Marshaler) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
res = ec._Query_session(ctx, field)
return res
case "__type":
out.Values[i] = ec._Query___type(ctx, field)
case "__schema":
out.Values[i] = ec._Query___schema(ctx, field)
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var userImplementors = []string{"User"}
func (ec *executionContext) _User(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *models.User) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, userImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("User")
case "id":
out.Values[i] = ec._User_id(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec._User_name(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "active":
out.Values[i] = ec._User_active(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "admin":
out.Values[i] = ec._User_admin(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var __DirectiveImplementors = []string{"__Directive"}
func (ec *executionContext) ___Directive(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *introspection.Directive) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, __DirectiveImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("__Directive")
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Directive_name(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "description":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Directive_description(ctx, field, obj)
case "locations":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Directive_locations(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "args":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Directive_args(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var __EnumValueImplementors = []string{"__EnumValue"}
func (ec *executionContext) ___EnumValue(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *introspection.EnumValue) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, __EnumValueImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("__EnumValue")
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec.___EnumValue_name(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "description":
out.Values[i] = ec.___EnumValue_description(ctx, field, obj)
case "isDeprecated":
out.Values[i] = ec.___EnumValue_isDeprecated(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "deprecationReason":
out.Values[i] = ec.___EnumValue_deprecationReason(ctx, field, obj)
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var __FieldImplementors = []string{"__Field"}
func (ec *executionContext) ___Field(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *introspection.Field) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, __FieldImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("__Field")
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Field_name(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "description":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Field_description(ctx, field, obj)
case "args":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Field_args(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "type":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Field_type(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "isDeprecated":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Field_isDeprecated(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "deprecationReason":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Field_deprecationReason(ctx, field, obj)
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var __InputValueImplementors = []string{"__InputValue"}
func (ec *executionContext) ___InputValue(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *introspection.InputValue) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, __InputValueImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("__InputValue")
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec.___InputValue_name(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "description":
out.Values[i] = ec.___InputValue_description(ctx, field, obj)
case "type":
out.Values[i] = ec.___InputValue_type(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "defaultValue":
out.Values[i] = ec.___InputValue_defaultValue(ctx, field, obj)
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var __SchemaImplementors = []string{"__Schema"}
func (ec *executionContext) ___Schema(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *introspection.Schema) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, __SchemaImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("__Schema")
case "types":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Schema_types(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "queryType":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Schema_queryType(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "mutationType":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Schema_mutationType(ctx, field, obj)
case "subscriptionType":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Schema_subscriptionType(ctx, field, obj)
case "directives":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Schema_directives(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
var __TypeImplementors = []string{"__Type"}
func (ec *executionContext) ___Type(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, obj *introspection.Type) graphql.Marshaler {
fields := graphql.CollectFields(ec.OperationContext, sel, __TypeImplementors)
out := graphql.NewFieldSet(fields)
var invalids uint32
for i, field := range fields {
switch field.Name {
case "__typename":
out.Values[i] = graphql.MarshalString("__Type")
case "kind":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_kind(ctx, field, obj)
if out.Values[i] == graphql.Null {
case "name":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_name(ctx, field, obj)
case "description":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_description(ctx, field, obj)
case "fields":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_fields(ctx, field, obj)
case "interfaces":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_interfaces(ctx, field, obj)
case "possibleTypes":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_possibleTypes(ctx, field, obj)
case "enumValues":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_enumValues(ctx, field, obj)
case "inputFields":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_inputFields(ctx, field, obj)
case "ofType":
out.Values[i] = ec.___Type_ofType(ctx, field, obj)
panic("unknown field " + strconv.Quote(field.Name))
if invalids > 0 {
return graphql.Null
return out
// endregion **************************** object.gotpl ****************************
// region ***************************** type.gotpl *****************************
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalNBoolean2bool(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (bool, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalBoolean(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNBoolean2bool(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v bool) graphql.Marshaler {
res := graphql.MarshalBoolean(v)
if res == graphql.Null {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return res
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalNInt2int(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (int, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalInt(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNInt2int(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v int) graphql.Marshaler {
res := graphql.MarshalInt(v)
if res == graphql.Null {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return res
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNIssue2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssue(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v models.Issue) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec._Issue(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNIssue2ᚕᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssueᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []*models.Issue) graphql.Marshaler {
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalNIssue2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssue(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNIssue2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssue(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *models.Issue) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
return ec._Issue(ctx, sel, v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNProject2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProject(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v models.Project) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec._Project(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNProject2ᚕᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []*models.Project) graphql.Marshaler {
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalNProject2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProject(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNProject2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProject(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *models.Project) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
return ec._Project(ctx, sel, v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNProjectPermissions2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectPermissions(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v ProjectPermissions) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec._ProjectPermissions(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNProjectPermissions2ᚕᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectPermissionsᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []*ProjectPermissions) graphql.Marshaler {
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalNProjectPermissions2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectPermissions(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNProjectPermissions2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectPermissions(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *ProjectPermissions) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
return ec._ProjectPermissions(ctx, sel, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalNString2string(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (string, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalString(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNString2string(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v string) graphql.Marshaler {
res := graphql.MarshalString(v)
if res == graphql.Null {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return res
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalNTime2timeᚐTime(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (time.Time, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalTime(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNTime2timeᚐTime(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v time.Time) graphql.Marshaler {
res := graphql.MarshalTime(v)
if res == graphql.Null {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return res
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNUser2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v models.User) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec._User(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalNUser2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *models.User) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
return ec._User(ctx, sel, v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__Directive2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐDirective(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v introspection.Directive) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec.___Directive(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__Directive2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐDirectiveᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []introspection.Directive) graphql.Marshaler {
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalN__Directive2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐDirective(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalN__DirectiveLocation2string(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (string, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalString(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__DirectiveLocation2string(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v string) graphql.Marshaler {
res := graphql.MarshalString(v)
if res == graphql.Null {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return res
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalN__DirectiveLocation2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) ([]string, error) {
var vSlice []interface{}
if v != nil {
if tmp1, ok := v.([]interface{}); ok {
vSlice = tmp1
} else {
vSlice = []interface{}{v}
var err error
res := make([]string, len(vSlice))
for i := range vSlice {
res[i], err = ec.unmarshalN__DirectiveLocation2string(ctx, vSlice[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__DirectiveLocation2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []string) graphql.Marshaler {
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalN__DirectiveLocation2string(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__EnumValue2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐEnumValue(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v introspection.EnumValue) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec.___EnumValue(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__Field2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐField(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v introspection.Field) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec.___Field(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__InputValue2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐInputValue(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v introspection.InputValue) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec.___InputValue(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__InputValue2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐInputValueᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []introspection.InputValue) graphql.Marshaler {
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalN__InputValue2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐInputValue(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__Type2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v introspection.Type) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec.___Type(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__Type2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐTypeᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []introspection.Type) graphql.Marshaler {
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalN__Type2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *introspection.Type) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return graphql.Null
return ec.___Type(ctx, sel, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalN__TypeKind2string(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (string, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalString(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalN__TypeKind2string(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v string) graphql.Marshaler {
res := graphql.MarshalString(v)
if res == graphql.Null {
if !graphql.HasFieldError(ctx, graphql.GetFieldContext(ctx)) {
ec.Errorf(ctx, "must not be null")
return res
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOBoolean2bool(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (bool, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalBoolean(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOBoolean2bool(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v bool) graphql.Marshaler {
return graphql.MarshalBoolean(v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOBoolean2ᚖbool(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (*bool, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
res, err := ec.unmarshalOBoolean2bool(ctx, v)
return &res, err
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOBoolean2ᚖbool(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *bool) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
return ec.marshalOBoolean2bool(ctx, sel, *v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOInt2int(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (int, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalInt(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOInt2int(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v int) graphql.Marshaler {
return graphql.MarshalInt(v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOInt2ᚖint(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (*int, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
res, err := ec.unmarshalOInt2int(ctx, v)
return &res, err
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOInt2ᚖint(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *int) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
return ec.marshalOInt2int(ctx, sel, *v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOIssueFilter2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssueFilter(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (models.IssueFilter, error) {
return ec.unmarshalInputIssueFilter(ctx, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOIssueFilter2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssueFilter(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (*models.IssueFilter, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
res, err := ec.unmarshalOIssueFilter2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐIssueFilter(ctx, v)
return &res, err
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOProject2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProject(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v models.Project) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec._Project(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOProject2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProject(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *models.Project) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
return ec._Project(ctx, sel, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOProjectFilter2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectFilter(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (models.ProjectFilter, error) {
return ec.unmarshalInputProjectFilter(ctx, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOProjectFilter2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectFilter(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (*models.ProjectFilter, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
res, err := ec.unmarshalOProjectFilter2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectFilter(ctx, v)
return &res, err
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOProjectFilterPermission2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectFilterPermission(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (models.ProjectFilterPermission, error) {
return ec.unmarshalInputProjectFilterPermission(ctx, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOProjectFilterPermission2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectFilterPermission(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (*models.ProjectFilterPermission, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
res, err := ec.unmarshalOProjectFilterPermission2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐProjectFilterPermission(ctx, v)
return &res, err
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOProjectIssueFilter2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectIssueFilter(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (ProjectIssueFilter, error) {
return ec.unmarshalInputProjectIssueFilter(ctx, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOProjectIssueFilter2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectIssueFilter(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (*ProjectIssueFilter, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
res, err := ec.unmarshalOProjectIssueFilter2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐProjectIssueFilter(ctx, v)
return &res, err
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOString2string(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (string, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalString(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOString2string(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v string) graphql.Marshaler {
return graphql.MarshalString(v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOString2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) ([]string, error) {
var vSlice []interface{}
if v != nil {
if tmp1, ok := v.([]interface{}); ok {
vSlice = tmp1
} else {
vSlice = []interface{}{v}
var err error
res := make([]string, len(vSlice))
for i := range vSlice {
res[i], err = ec.unmarshalNString2string(ctx, vSlice[i])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOString2ᚕstringᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []string) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
for i := range v {
ret[i] = ec.marshalNString2string(ctx, sel, v[i])
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (*string, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
res, err := ec.unmarshalOString2string(ctx, v)
return &res, err
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOString2ᚖstring(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *string) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
return ec.marshalOString2string(ctx, sel, *v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOTime2timeᚐTime(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (time.Time, error) {
return graphql.UnmarshalTime(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOTime2timeᚐTime(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v time.Time) graphql.Marshaler {
return graphql.MarshalTime(v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOUser2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v models.User) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec._User(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalOUser2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋmodelsᚐUser(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *models.User) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
return ec._User(ctx, sel, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOUserLoginInput2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐUserLoginInput(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (UserLoginInput, error) {
return ec.unmarshalInputUserLoginInput(ctx, v)
func (ec *executionContext) unmarshalOUserLoginInput2ᚖgitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐUserLoginInput(ctx context.Context, v interface{}) (*UserLoginInput, error) {
if v == nil {
return nil, nil
res, err := ec.unmarshalOUserLoginInput2gitᚗaiterpᚗnetᚋxiaoliᚋserverᚋgraphᚋgraphcoreᚐUserLoginInput(ctx, v)
return &res, err
func (ec *executionContext) marshalO__EnumValue2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐEnumValueᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []introspection.EnumValue) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalN__EnumValue2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐEnumValue(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalO__Field2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐFieldᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []introspection.Field) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalN__Field2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐField(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalO__InputValue2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐInputValueᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []introspection.InputValue) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalN__InputValue2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐInputValue(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalO__Schema2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐSchema(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v introspection.Schema) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec.___Schema(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalO__Schema2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐSchema(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *introspection.Schema) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
return ec.___Schema(ctx, sel, v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalO__Type2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v introspection.Type) graphql.Marshaler {
return ec.___Type(ctx, sel, &v)
func (ec *executionContext) marshalO__Type2ᚕgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐTypeᚄ(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v []introspection.Type) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
ret := make(graphql.Array, len(v))
var wg sync.WaitGroup
isLen1 := len(v) == 1
if !isLen1 {
for i := range v {
i := i
fc := &graphql.FieldContext{
Index: &i,
Result: &v[i],
ctx := graphql.WithFieldContext(ctx, fc)
f := func(i int) {
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
ec.Error(ctx, ec.Recover(ctx, r))
ret = nil
if !isLen1 {
defer wg.Done()
ret[i] = ec.marshalN__Type2githubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx, sel, v[i])
if isLen1 {
} else {
go f(i)
return ret
func (ec *executionContext) marshalO__Type2ᚖgithubᚗcomᚋ99designsᚋgqlgenᚋgraphqlᚋintrospectionᚐType(ctx context.Context, sel ast.SelectionSet, v *introspection.Type) graphql.Marshaler {
if v == nil {
return graphql.Null
return ec.___Type(ctx, sel, v)
// endregion ***************************** type.gotpl *****************************