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823 B

2 years ago
  1. version: "1"
  2. packages:
  3. - name: "mysqlcore"
  4. path: "./ports/mysql/mysqlcore"
  5. queries: "./ports/mysql/queries"
  6. schema: "./scripts/goose-mysql"
  7. engine: "mysql"
  8. emit_prepared_queries: true
  9. emit_interface: false
  10. emit_exact_table_names: false
  11. emit_empty_slices: true
  12. emit_json_tags: false
  13. overrides:
  14. - go_type: "git.aiterp.net/stufflog3/stufflog3/ports/mysql/sqltypes.NullRawMessage"
  15. db_type: "json"
  16. nullable: true
  17. - go_type: "git.aiterp.net/stufflog3/stufflog3/ports/mysql/sqltypes.NullDate"
  18. db_type: "date"
  19. nullable: true
  20. - go_type: "float64"
  21. db_type: "float"
  22. - go_type: "float64"
  23. db_type: "float"
  24. nullable: true
  25. - go_type: "int"
  26. db_type: "int"
  27. - column: "isp.total_acquired"
  28. go_type: "int"
  29. - column: "isp.total_required"
  30. go_type: "int"