Loggest thine Stuff
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// Code generated by sqlc. DO NOT EDIT.
// versions:
// sqlc v1.13.0
// source: stats.sql
package mysqlcore
import (
const deleteAllItemStatProgressByStatId = `-- name: DeleteAllItemStatProgressByStatId :exec
DELETE FROM item_stat_progress WHERE stat_id = ?
func (q *Queries) DeleteAllItemStatProgressByStatId(ctx context.Context, statID int) error {
_, err := q.exec(ctx, q.deleteAllItemStatProgressByStatIdStmt, deleteAllItemStatProgressByStatId, statID)
return err
const deleteAllProjectRequirementStatByStatId = `-- name: DeleteAllProjectRequirementStatByStatId :exec
DELETE FROM project_requirement_stat WHERE stat_id = ?
func (q *Queries) DeleteAllProjectRequirementStatByStatId(ctx context.Context, statID int) error {
_, err := q.exec(ctx, q.deleteAllProjectRequirementStatByStatIdStmt, deleteAllProjectRequirementStatByStatId, statID)
return err
const deleteAllScopeStats = `-- name: DeleteAllScopeStats :exec
DELETE FROM stat WHERE scope_id = ?
func (q *Queries) DeleteAllScopeStats(ctx context.Context, scopeID int) error {
_, err := q.exec(ctx, q.deleteAllScopeStatsStmt, deleteAllScopeStats, scopeID)
return err
const deleteStat = `-- name: DeleteStat :exec
DELETE FROM stat WHERE id = ? AND scope_id = ?
type DeleteStatParams struct {
ID int
ScopeID int
func (q *Queries) DeleteStat(ctx context.Context, arg DeleteStatParams) error {
_, err := q.exec(ctx, q.deleteStatStmt, deleteStat, arg.ID, arg.ScopeID)
return err
const getStat = `-- name: GetStat :one
SELECT id, scope_id, name, description, weight, allowed_amounts, is_primary FROM stat WHERE id = ? AND scope_id = ?
type GetStatParams struct {
ID int
ScopeID int
func (q *Queries) GetStat(ctx context.Context, arg GetStatParams) (Stat, error) {
row := q.queryRow(ctx, q.getStatStmt, getStat, arg.ID, arg.ScopeID)
var i Stat
err := row.Scan(
return i, err
const insertStat = `-- name: InsertStat :execresult
INSERT INTO stat (scope_id, name, description, weight, allowed_amounts, is_primary)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
type InsertStatParams struct {
ScopeID int
Name string
Description string
Weight float64
AllowedAmounts sqltypes.NullRawMessage
IsPrimary bool
func (q *Queries) InsertStat(ctx context.Context, arg InsertStatParams) (sql.Result, error) {
return q.exec(ctx, q.insertStatStmt, insertStat,
const listStats = `-- name: ListStats :many
SELECT id, scope_id, name, description, weight, allowed_amounts, is_primary FROM stat WHERE scope_id = ? ORDER BY is_primary DESC, name
func (q *Queries) ListStats(ctx context.Context, scopeID int) ([]Stat, error) {
rows, err := q.query(ctx, q.listStatsStmt, listStats, scopeID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
defer rows.Close()
items := []Stat{}
for rows.Next() {
var i Stat
if err := rows.Scan(
); err != nil {
return nil, err
items = append(items, i)
if err := rows.Close(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return items, nil
const updateStat = `-- name: UpdateStat :exec
SET name = ?,
description = ?,
weight = ?,
allowed_amounts = ?,
is_primary = ?
WHERE id = ? AND scope_id = ?
type UpdateStatParams struct {
Name string
Description string
Weight float64
AllowedAmounts sqltypes.NullRawMessage
IsPrimary bool
ID int
ScopeID int
func (q *Queries) UpdateStat(ctx context.Context, arg UpdateStatParams) error {
_, err := q.exec(ctx, q.updateStatStmt, updateStat,
return err