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2 years ago
  1. package net.aiterp.git.ykonsole2.infrastructure.indigo1
  2. import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.jacksonObjectMapper
  3. import kotlinx.coroutines.future.await
  4. import me.lazmaid.kraph.Kraph
  5. import net.aiterp.git.ykonsole2.StorageException
  6. import net.aiterp.git.ykonsole2.application.logging.log
  7. import net.aiterp.git.ykonsole2.domain.models.Device
  8. import net.aiterp.git.ykonsole2.domain.models.Program
  9. import net.aiterp.git.ykonsole2.domain.models.Workout
  10. import net.aiterp.git.ykonsole2.domain.models.WorkoutState
  11. import net.aiterp.git.ykonsole2.infrastructure.ExportTarget
  12. import
  13. import
  14. import
  15. import
  16. import
  17. import java.time.LocalDate
  18. import java.time.LocalTime
  19. import java.time.ZoneId
  20. import java.time.ZoneOffset
  21. import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit
  22. import java.util.*
  23. class Indigo1(
  24. private val endpoint: String,
  25. private val clientId: String,
  26. private val clientSecret: String,
  27. ) : ExportTarget {
  28. private val logger = log
  29. override suspend fun isExported(workout: Workout): Boolean {
  30. val ids = run {
  31. query {
  32. fieldObject(
  33. "exercises", args = mapOf(
  34. "filter" to mapOf(
  35. "fromDate" to workout.createdAt.minus(7, ChronoUnit.DAYS).atZone(ZoneOffset.UTC).toLocalDate().toString(),
  36. "kindId" to 3,
  37. "tags" to listOf(tag("ykonsole:Version", "2"), tag("ykonsole:WorkoutID",,
  38. )
  39. )
  40. ) {
  41. field("id")
  42. }
  43. }
  44. }.data.exercises ?: return false
  45. return ids.isNotEmpty()
  46. }
  47. override suspend fun export(
  48. workout: Workout,
  49. workoutStates: List<WorkoutState>,
  50. device: Device?,
  51. program: Program?,
  52. ) {
  53."Creating exercise...")
  54. val exerciseId = run {
  55. mutation {
  56. fieldObject(
  57. "addExercise", args = mapOf(
  58. "options" to mapOf(
  59. "kindId" to 3,
  60. "partOfDayId" to workout.partOfDayId,
  61. "date" to,
  62. ),
  63. ),
  64. ) { field("id") }
  65. }
  66. }.data.addExercise?.id ?: throw StorageException("Failed to create exercise")
  67."Created exercise with ID $exerciseId")
  68."Exporting states for exercise with ID $exerciseId...")
  69. for (chunk in workoutStates.chunked(100)) {
  70. val calories = chunk.mapNotNull { ws ->
  71. if (ws.calories != null) (ws.time.toInt() to ws.calories!!.toInt()) else null
  72. }
  73. val distance = chunk.mapNotNull { ws ->
  74. if (ws.distance != null) (ws.time.toInt() to ws.distance!!.toInt().toDouble() / 1000) else null
  75. }
  76. if (calories.isNotEmpty()) {
  77. run {
  78. mutation {
  79. fieldObject(
  80. "addMeasurementBatch", args = mapOf(
  81. "exerciseId" to exerciseId,
  82. "options" to { mapOf("point" to it.first, "value" to it.second) },
  83. )
  84. ) { field("id") }
  85. }
  86. }
  87. }
  88. if (distance.isNotEmpty()) {
  89. run {
  90. mutation {
  91. fieldObject(
  92. "addMetadataBatch", args = mapOf(
  93. "exerciseId" to exerciseId,
  94. "options" to { mapOf("point" to it.first, "kindId" to 5, "value" to it.second) },
  95. )
  96. ) { field("id") }
  97. }
  98. }
  99. }
  100. }
  101."Exporting tags for exercise with ID $exerciseId...")
  102. run {
  103. mutation {
  104. fieldObject(
  105. "addTagBatch", args = mapOf(
  106. "exerciseId" to exerciseId,
  107. "options" to listOfNotNull(
  108. tag("ykonsole:Version", "2"),
  109. tag("ykonsole:WorkoutID",,
  110. workout.message.takeIf(String::isNotBlank)?.let { tag("ykonsole:ErrorMessage", it) },
  111. tag("ykonsole:DeviceID", workout.deviceId),
  112. device?.let { tag("ykonsole:DeviceName", },
  113. program?.let { tag("ykonsole:ProgramID", },
  114. program?.let { tag("ykonsole:ProgramName", },
  115. tag("ykonsole:CreatedAt", "${workout.createdAt}"),
  116. )
  117. )
  118. ) {
  119. field("id")
  120. }
  121. }
  122. }
  123. }
  124. private suspend fun run(func: Kraph.() -> Unit): Output {
  125. val query = Kraph { func() }
  126. val request = HttpRequest.newBuilder()
  127. .uri(URI.create(endpoint))
  128. .POST(BodyPublishers.ofString(query.toRequestString()))
  129. .header("Content-Type", "application/json")
  130. .header("Authorization", "Basic ${Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString("$clientId:$clientSecret".toByteArray())}")
  131. .build()
  132. val response = HttpClient.newHttpClient()
  133. .sendAsync(request, BodyHandlers.ofString())
  134. .await()
  135. return jackson.readValue(response.body(),
  136. }
  137. private val jackson = jacksonObjectMapper()
  138. private data class Output(val data: Data)
  139. private data class Data(
  140. val addExercise: ExerciseOutput? = null,
  141. val addMeasurementBatch: List<ExerciseOutput>? = null,
  142. val addMetadataBatch: List<ExerciseOutput>? = null,
  143. val addTagBatch: List<ExerciseOutput>? = null,
  144. val exercises: List<ExerciseOutput>? = null,
  145. )
  146. private data class ExerciseOutput(val id: Int)
  147. private val Workout.partOfDayId
  148. get() = when (LocalTime.ofInstant(createdAt, zone).hour) {
  149. in 5..11 -> "M"
  150. in 12..17 -> "A"
  151. in 18..22 -> "E"
  152. else -> "N"
  153. }
  154. private val get() = LocalDate.ofInstant(createdAt, zone)
  155. private val zone = ZoneId.of("Europe/Oslo")
  156. private fun tag(key: String, value: String) = mapOf("key" to key, "value" to value)
  157. }