Browse Source
Version 0.2.0
Version 0.2.0
* Hide nanoleaf:IP devices in UI * Color clicking behavior is more clear * small icons for mega-groups * common tags/roles for groups * fix default names in UI state * hexagon corner * secondary lamp icon * fix selection bugs in device form * select all/none hotkey * quick assign modalbeelzebub 0.2.0
39 changed files with 873 additions and 47 deletions
@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ |
/_app |
*.png |
*.html |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
import{H as f,s as y,a8 as m,Z as q,a9 as w}from"./index.f09c780f.js";const o=[];function z(n,i){return{subscribe:A(n,i).subscribe}}function A(n,i=f){let u;const t=new Set;function a(e){if(y(n,e)&&(n=e,u)){const r=!o.length;for(const s of t)s[1](),o.push(s,n);if(r){for(let s=0;s<o.length;s+=2)o[s][0](o[s+1]);o.length=0}}}function l(e){a(e(n))}function b(e,r=f){const s=[e,r];return t.add(s),t.size===1&&(u=i(a)||f),e(n),()=>{t.delete(s),t.size===0&&(u(),u=null)}}return{set:a,update:l,subscribe:b}}function H(n,i,u){const t=!Array.isArray(n),a=t?[n]:n,l=i.length<2;return z(u,b=>{let e=!1;const r=[];let s=0,d=f;const g=()=>{if(s)return;d();const c=i(t?r[0]:r,b);l?b(c):d=w(c)?c:f},,p)=>m(c,h=>{r[p]=h,s&=~(1<<p),e&&g()},()=>{s|=1<<p}));return e=!0,g(),function(){q(_),d()}})}export{H as d,A as w}; |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
import{w as u}from"./index.faf1c53d.js";var _;const v=((_=globalThis.__sveltekit_1k9l1nc)==null?void 0:_.base)??"";var g;const k=((g=globalThis.__sveltekit_1k9l1nc)==null?void 0:g.assets)??v,m="1697835102898",R="sveltekit:snapshot",T="sveltekit:scroll",y="sveltekit:index",f={tap:1,hover:2,viewport:3,eager:4,off:-1};function I(e){let t=e.baseURI;if(!t){const n=e.getElementsByTagName("base");t=n.length?n[0].href:e.URL}return t}function S(){return{x:pageXOffset,y:pageYOffset}}function c(e,t){return e.getAttribute(`data-sveltekit-${t}`)}const d={...f,"":f.hover};function h(e){let t=e.assignedSlot??e.parentNode;return(t==null?void 0:t.nodeType)===11&&(,t}function x(e,t){for(;e&&e!==t;){if(e.nodeName.toUpperCase()==="A"&&e.hasAttribute("href"))return e;e=h(e)}}function O(e,t){let n;try{n=new URL(e instanceof SVGAElement?e.href.baseVal:e.href,document.baseURI)}catch{}const o=e instanceof SVGAElement?,l=!n||!!o||E(n,t)||(e.getAttribute("rel")||"").split(/\s+/).includes("external"),r=(n==null?void 0:n.origin)===location.origin&&e.hasAttribute("download");return{url:n,external:l,target:o,download:r}}function U(e){let t=null,n=null,o=null,l=null,r=null,a=null,s=e;for(;s&&s!==document.documentElement;)o===null&&(o=c(s,"preload-code")),l===null&&(l=c(s,"preload-data")),t===null&&(t=c(s,"keepfocus")),n===null&&(n=c(s,"noscroll")),r===null&&(r=c(s,"reload")),a===null&&(a=c(s,"replacestate")),s=h(s);function i(b){switch(b){case"":case"true":return!0;case"off":case"false":return!1;default:return null}}return{preload_code:d[o??"off"],preload_data:d[l??"off"],keep_focus:i(t),noscroll:i(n),reload:i(r),replace_state:i(a)}}function p(e){const t=u(e);let n=!0;function o(){n=!0,t.update(a=>a)}function l(a){n=!1,t.set(a)}function r(a){let s;return t.subscribe(i=>{(s===void 0||n&&i!==s)&&a(s=i)})}return{notify:o,set:l,subscribe:r}}function w(){const{set:e,subscribe:t}=u(!1);let n;async function o(){clearTimeout(n);try{const l=await fetch(`${k}/_app/version.json`,{headers:{pragma:"no-cache","cache-control":"no-cache"}});if(!l.ok)return!1;const a=(await l.json()).version!==m;return a&&(e(!0),clearTimeout(n)),a}catch{return!1}}return{subscribe:t,check:o}}function E(e,t){return e.origin!==location.origin||!e.pathname.startsWith(t)}function L(e){e.client}const N={url:p({}),page:p({}),navigating:u(null),updated:w()};export{y as I,f as P,T as S,R as a,O as b,U as c,N as d,v as e,x as f,I as g,L as h,E as i,S as s}; |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
import{S as i,i as _,s as m,y as c,z as $,A as f,g as r,d as l,B as u,C as p,D as g,E as d,F as S}from"../chunks/index.f09c780f.js";import{S as x,a as h,M as C}from"../chunks/SelectContext.07ce997f.js";const b=!0,q=Object.freeze(Object.defineProperty({__proto__:null,prerender:b},Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"}));function v(a){let t;const o=a[0].default,e=p(o,a,a[1],null);return{c(){e&&e.c()},l(n){e&&e.l(n)},m(n,s){e&&e.m(n,s),t=!0},p(n,s){e&&e.p&&(!t||s&2)&&g(e,o,n,n[1],t?S(o,n[1],s,null):d(n[1]),null)},i(n){t||(r(e,n),t=!0)},o(n){l(e,n),t=!1},d(n){e&&e.d(n)}}}function w(a){let t,o;return t=new C({props:{$$slots:{default:[v]},$$scope:{ctx:a}}}),{c(){c(t.$$.fragment)},l(e){$(t.$$.fragment,e)},m(e,n){f(t,e,n),o=!0},p(e,n){const s={};n&2&&(s.$$scope={dirty:n,ctx:e}),t.$set(s)},i(e){o||(r(t.$$.fragment,e),o=!0)},o(e){l(t.$$.fragment,e),o=!1},d(e){u(t,e)}}}function y(a){let t,o;return t=new h({props:{$$slots:{default:[w]},$$scope:{ctx:a}}}),{c(){c(t.$$.fragment)},l(e){$(t.$$.fragment,e)},m(e,n){f(t,e,n),o=!0},p(e,n){const s={};n&2&&(s.$$scope={dirty:n,ctx:e}),t.$set(s)},i(e){o||(r(t.$$.fragment,e),o=!0)},o(e){l(t.$$.fragment,e),o=!1},d(e){u(t,e)}}}function M(a){let t,o;return t=new x({props:{$$slots:{default:[y]},$$scope:{ctx:a}}}),{c(){c(t.$$.fragment)},l(e){$(t.$$.fragment,e)},m(e,n){f(t,e,n),o=!0},p(e,[n]){const s={};n&2&&(s.$$scope={dirty:n,ctx:e}),t.$set(s)},i(e){o||(r(t.$$.fragment,e),o=!0)},o(e){l(t.$$.fragment,e),o=!1},d(e){u(t,e)}}}function j(a,t,o){let{$$slots:e={},$$scope:n}=t;return a.$$set=s=>{"$$scope"in s&&o(1,n=s.$$scope)},[e,n]}class A extends i{constructor(t){super(),_(this,t,j,M,m,{})}}export{A as component,q as universal}; |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
import{S,i as q,s as x,k as _,q as f,a as H,l as d,m as g,r as h,h as u,c as k,b as m,G as v,u as $,H as E,I as y}from"../chunks/index.f09c780f.js";import{d as C}from"../chunks/singletons.6d605789.js";const G=()=>{const s=C;return{page:{},navigating:{subscribe:s.navigating.subscribe},updated:s.updated}},I={subscribe(s){return G().page.subscribe(s)}};function P(s){var b;let t,r=s[0].status+"",o,n,i,c=((b=s[0].error)==null?void 0:b.message)+"",l;return{c(){t=_("h1"),o=f(r),n=H(),i=_("p"),l=f(c)},l(e){t=d(e,"H1",{});var a=g(t);o=h(a,r),a.forEach(u),n=k(e),i=d(e,"P",{});var p=g(i);l=h(p,c),p.forEach(u)},m(e,a){m(e,t,a),v(t,o),m(e,n,a),m(e,i,a),v(i,l)},p(e,[a]){var p;a&1&&r!==(r=e[0].status+"")&&$(o,r),a&1&&c!==(c=((p=e[0].error)==null?void 0:p.message)+"")&&$(l,c)},i:E,o:E,d(e){e&&u(t),e&&u(n),e&&u(i)}}}function j(s,t,r){let o;return y(s,I,n=>r(0,o=n)),[o]}let A=class extends S{constructor(t){super(),q(this,t,j,P,x,{})}};export{A as component}; |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
{"version":"1697835102898"} |
After Width: 1000 | Height: 1000 | Size: 173 KiB |
After Width: 500 | Height: 500 | Size: 45 KiB |
After Width: 128 | Height: 128 | Size: 1.5 KiB |
@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ |
<!DOCTYPE html> |
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<meta charset="utf-8" /> |
<link rel="icon" href="./favicon.png" /> |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" /> |
<meta name="darkreader" content="we've already gone dark" /> |
<style> |
body, html { |
background: #111114; |
color: #ccc; |
margin: 0; |
padding: 0; |
font-family: 'Segoe UI', Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif; |
} |
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<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/entry/start.08a3b3b3.js"> |
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/chunks/index.f09c780f.js"> |
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/chunks/singletons.6d605789.js"> |
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/chunks/index.faf1c53d.js"> |
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/entry/app.16612d08.js"> |
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/nodes/0.202e929e.js"> |
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/chunks/SelectContext.07ce997f.js"> |
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/nodes/2.2ea37eba.js"> |
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base: new URL(".", location).pathname.slice(0, -1), |
env: {} |
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const element = document.currentScript.parentElement; |
const data = [null,null]; |
Promise.all([ |
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kit.start(app, element, { |
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data, |
form: null, |
error: null |
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} |
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@ -0,0 +1,315 @@ |
<script lang="js"> |
import { createEventDispatcher } from "svelte"; |
import { fly, fade } from "svelte/transition"; |
// Props |
export let min = 0; |
export let max = 100; |
export let initialValue = 0; |
export let id = null; |
export let value = |
typeof initialValue === "string" ? parseInt(initialValue) : initialValue; |
// Node Bindings |
let container = null; |
let thumb = null; |
let progressBar = null; |
let element = null; |
// Internal State |
let elementX = null; |
let currentThumb = null; |
let holding = false; |
let thumbHover = false; |
let keydownAcceleration = 0; |
let accelerationTimer = null; |
// Dispatch 'change' events |
const dispatch = createEventDispatcher(); |
// Mouse shield used onMouseDown to prevent any mouse events penetrating other elements, |
// ie. hover events on other elements while dragging. Especially for Safari |
const mouseEventShield = document.createElement("div"); |
mouseEventShield.setAttribute("class", "mouse-over-shield"); |
mouseEventShield.addEventListener("mouseover", (e) => { |
e.preventDefault(); |
e.stopPropagation(); |
}); |
function resizeWindow() { |
elementX = element.getBoundingClientRect().left; |
} |
// Allows both bind:value and on:change for parent value retrieval |
function setValue(val) { |
value = val; |
dispatch("change", { value }); |
} |
function onTrackEvent(e) { |
// Update value immediately before beginning drag |
updateValueOnEvent(e); |
onDragStart(e); |
} |
function onHover(e) { |
thumbHover = thumbHover ? false : true; |
} |
function onDragStart(e) { |
// If mouse event add a pointer events shield |
if (e.type === "mousedown") document.body.append(mouseEventShield); |
currentThumb = thumb; |
} |
function onDragEnd(e) { |
// If using mouse - remove pointer event shield |
if (e.type === "mouseup") { |
if (document.body.contains(mouseEventShield)) |
document.body.removeChild(mouseEventShield); |
// Needed to check whether thumb and mouse overlap after shield removed |
if (isMouseInElement(e, thumb)) thumbHover = true; |
} |
currentThumb = null; |
} |
// Check if mouse event cords overlay with an element's area |
function isMouseInElement(event, element) { |
let rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); |
let { clientX: x, clientY: y } = event; |
if (x < rect.left || x >= rect.right) return false; |
if (y < || y >= rect.bottom) return false; |
return true; |
} |
// Accessible keypress handling |
function onKeyPress(e) { |
// Max out at +/- 10 to value per event (50 events / 5) |
// 100 below is to increase the amount of events required to reach max velocity |
if (keydownAcceleration < 50) keydownAcceleration++; |
let throttled = Math.ceil(keydownAcceleration / 5); |
if (e.key === "ArrowUp" || e.key === "ArrowRight") { |
if (value + throttled > max || value >= max) { |
setValue(max); |
} else { |
setValue(value + throttled); |
} |
} |
if (e.key === "ArrowDown" || e.key === "ArrowLeft") { |
if (value - throttled < min || value <= min) { |
setValue(min); |
} else { |
setValue(value - throttled); |
} |
} |
// Reset acceleration after 100ms of no events |
clearTimeout(accelerationTimer); |
accelerationTimer = setTimeout(() => (keydownAcceleration = 1), 100); |
} |
function calculateNewValue(clientX) { |
// Find distance between cursor and element's left cord (20px / 2 = 10px) - Center of thumb |
let delta = clientX - (elementX + 10); |
// Use width of the container minus (5px * 2 sides) offset for percent calc |
let percent = (delta * 100) / (container.clientWidth - 10); |
// Limit percent 0 -> 100 |
percent = percent < 0 ? 0 : percent > 100 ? 100 : percent; |
// Limit value min -> max |
setValue(parseInt((percent * (max - min)) / 100) + min); |
} |
// Handles both dragging of touch/mouse as well as simple one-off click/touches |
function updateValueOnEvent(e) { |
// touchstart && mousedown are one-off updates, otherwise expect a currentPointer node |
if (!currentThumb && e.type !== "touchstart" && e.type !== "mousedown") |
return false; |
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation(); |
if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault(); |
// Get client's x cord either touch or mouse |
const clientX = |
e.type === "touchmove" || e.type === "touchstart" |
? e.touches[0].clientX |
: e.clientX; |
calculateNewValue(clientX); |
} |
// React to left position of element relative to window |
$: if (element) elementX = element.getBoundingClientRect().left; |
// Set a class based on if dragging |
$: holding = Boolean(currentThumb); |
// Update progressbar and thumb styles to represent value |
$: if (progressBar && thumb) { |
// Limit value min -> max |
value = value > min ? value : min; |
value = value < max ? value : max; |
let percent = ((value - min) * 100) / (max - min); |
let offsetLeft = (container.clientWidth - 10) * (percent / 100) + 5; |
// Update thumb position + active range track width |
||| = `${offsetLeft}px`; |
||| = `${offsetLeft}px`; |
} |
</script> |
<svelte:window |
on:touchmove|nonpassive={updateValueOnEvent} |
on:touchcancel={onDragEnd} |
on:touchend={onDragEnd} |
on:mousemove={updateValueOnEvent} |
on:mouseup={onDragEnd} |
on:resize={resizeWindow} |
/> |
<div class="range"> |
<div |
class="range__wrapper" |
tabindex="0" |
on:keydown={onKeyPress} |
bind:this={element} |
role="slider" |
aria-valuemin={min} |
aria-valuemax={max} |
aria-valuenow={value} |
{id} |
on:mousedown={onTrackEvent} |
on:touchstart={onTrackEvent} |
> |
<div class="range__track" bind:this={container}> |
<div class="range__track--highlighted" bind:this={progressBar} /> |
<div |
class="range__thumb" |
class:range__thumb--holding={holding} |
bind:this={thumb} |
on:touchstart={onDragStart} |
on:mousedown={onDragStart} |
on:mouseover={() => (thumbHover = true)} |
on:mouseout={() => (thumbHover = false)} |
> |
{#if holding || thumbHover} |
<div |
class="range__tooltip" |
in:fly={{ y: 7, duration: 200 }} |
out:fade={{ duration: 100 }} |
> |
{value} |
</div> |
{/if} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<svelte:head> |
<style> |
.mouse-over-shield { |
position: fixed; |
top: 0px; |
left: 0px; |
height: 100%; |
width: 100%; |
background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0); |
z-index: 10000; |
cursor: grabbing; |
} |
</style> |
</svelte:head> |
<style> |
.range { |
position: relative; |
flex: 1; |
} |
.range__wrapper { |
min-width: 100%; |
position: relative; |
padding: 0.5rem; |
box-sizing: border-box; |
outline: none; |
} |
.range__wrapper:focus-visible > .range__track { |
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px white, 0 0 0 3px var(--track-focus, #6185ff); |
} |
.range__track { |
height: 6px; |
background-color: var(--track-bgcolor, #d0d0d0); |
border-radius: 999px; |
} |
.range__track--highlighted { |
background-color: var(--track-highlight-bgcolor, #6185ff); |
background: var( |
--track-highlight-bg, |
linear-gradient(90deg, #6185ff, #9c65ff) |
); |
width: 0; |
height: 6px; |
position: absolute; |
border-radius: 999px; |
} |
.range__thumb { |
display: flex; |
align-items: center; |
justify-content: center; |
position: absolute; |
width: 20px; |
height: 20px; |
background-color: var(--thumb-bgcolor, white); |
cursor: pointer; |
border-radius: 999px; |
margin-top: -8px; |
transition: box-shadow 100ms; |
user-select: none; |
box-shadow: var( |
--thumb-boxshadow, |
0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), |
0 0px 2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2) |
); |
} |
.range__thumb--holding { |
box-shadow: 0 1px 1px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14), |
0 1px 2px 1px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2), |
0 0 0 6px var(--thumb-holding-outline, rgba(113, 119, 250, 0.3)); |
} |
.range__tooltip { |
pointer-events: none; |
position: absolute; |
top: -33px; |
color: var(--tooltip-text, white); |
width: 38px; |
padding: 4px 0; |
border-radius: 4px; |
text-align: center; |
background-color: var(--tooltip-bgcolor, #6185ff); |
background: var(--tooltip-bg, linear-gradient(45deg, #6185ff, #9c65ff)); |
} |
.range__tooltip::after { |
content: ""; |
display: block; |
position: absolute; |
height: 7px; |
width: 7px; |
background-color: var(--tooltip-bgcolor, #6185ff); |
bottom: -3px; |
left: calc(50% - 3px); |
clip-path: polygon(0% 0%, 100% 100%, 0% 100%); |
transform: rotate(-45deg); |
border-radius: 0 0 0 3px; |
} |
</style> |
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@ |
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import { getSelectedContext } from "$lib/contexts/SelectContext.svelte"; |
import { getStateContext } from "$lib/contexts/StateContext.svelte"; |
import { toEffectRaw } from "$lib/models/assignment"; |
import { parseColor, type Color, stringifyColor } from "$lib/models/color"; |
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const { selectedMasks, selectedMap } = getSelectedContext(); |
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interleave: 0, |
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states: [ { color: stringifyColor(color)!, intensity: (intensity / 100), power: intensity > 0, temperature: null } ] |
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disabled = false; |
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function initForm() { |
show = true; |
let mostPopularEffect = 0; |
for (const assignment of $assignmentList) { |
const selectedCount = assignment.deviceIds?.filter(id => $selectedMap[id]).length || 0; |
if (selectedCount > mostPopularEffect) { |
color = parseColor(toEffectRaw(assignment.effect).states.find(s => s.color)?.color || "k:2750") || { k: 2750 }; |
intensity = (toEffectRaw(assignment.effect).states.find(s => s.intensity)?.intensity || 0.5) * 100; |
mostPopularEffect = selectedCount; |
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$: if ($modal.kind === "device.quickassign") { |
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$: if (!$selectedMasks.includes(match)) { |
match = $selectedMasks[0]; |
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closable {show} {disabled} |
titleText="Quick Assign" |
submitText="Apply" |
> |
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<select bind:value={match}> |
{#each $selectedMasks as option (option)} |
<option value={option}>{option}</option> |
{/each} |
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