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  1. # Canola
  2. ## extending a font into a font family
  3. Canola (named Sean during development) is the first typeface family being produced with Metapolator's developer environment *RedPill*.
  4. On the following pages some techniques are described to work with *RedPill* and how to generate a font family from one master font. In the case of Canola, the master has been drawn as a *Hairline* style thus the shapes are very close to the skeleton. Some of the solutions are tail-ordered for this typeface specifically and some might be more generic.
  5. ##### Tool used in the process
  6. - Metapolator
  7. - Robofont
  8. - Terminal (Command line OSX)
  9. - Firefox
  10. I'm evaluating the font from time to time in RedPill's web interface. Though due the long loading times I use Robofont to check Metapolator's output.
  11. Once Metapolator installed we can initialize a new project in our local directory:
  12. metapolator init 'project-name'
  13. from within the new project folder a master can be imported as *base.cps*:
  14. metapolator import ../mymaster.ufo base
  15. To verify the font has been imported successfully we can export our base:
  16. metapolator export base myfirstfont.ufo
  17. And we should get a copy of the original.
  18. ######[Setting up *Black Wide*](
  19. ######[Setting up *Thin Wide*](
  20. ######[Interpolating *Thin Wide* and *Black Wide*](
  21. ######[Setting up *Thin Compressed* and *Black Compressed*](
  22. ######[Joints and Knots](
  23. ######[Creating a four-master design space](
  24. ######[Adding contrast](
  25. ######[Rendering all Instances](
  26. ![alt tag](
  27. ## License
  28. © 2014 Simon Egli. *Canola* is designed and developed by Simon Egli.
  29. *Canola* is licensed under the SIL Open Font License v1.1 (<>)