The backend for the AiteStory website
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

24 lines
525 B

  1. import base/mixins
  2. $authorPath = printf("/author/%s", ActiveAuthor)
  3. a[href="/"]
  4. h1 Aite RP
  5. ul
  6. if User.LoggedIn
  7. +menuitem("/page/create", "+", "Create")
  8. ul
  9. each $category in Categories
  10. +menuitem($category.Path, $category.Icon, $category.Plural)
  11. ul
  12. if ActiveTag.ID
  13. +menuitem(ActiveTag.Path, ActiveTag.Icon, ActiveTag.Name)
  14. if ActiveDate
  15. +menuitem(ActiveDatePath, "D", ActiveDate)
  16. if ActiveAuthor
  17. +menuitem($authorPath, "A", formatUserID(ActiveAuthor))
  18. ul
  19. +menuitem("/tags/", "T", "Tags")