The backend for the AiteStory website
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

73 lines
1.9 KiB

package view
import (
var wd, _ = os.Getwd()
var rootPath = path.Join(wd, "./view/templates/")
var cache = make(map[string]*template.Template)
var argsCache = make(map[string][]string)
// Register registers a template and compiles it for rendering. This should be done
// in the beginning since an error will terminate the server
func Register(name string, base string, fragments ...string) {
for i, fragment := range fragments {
fragments[i] = path.Join(rootPath, fragment+".tmpl")
args := append([]string{path.Join(rootPath, name+".tmpl"), path.Join(rootPath, base+".tmpl")}, fragments...)
tmpl, err := template.New(name).ParseFiles(args...)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to register %s: %s", name, err)
argsCache[name] = args
cache[name] = tmpl
// Render renders a template with the name it was registered with, and with the
// view model. The view model is expected to be the correct model from the viewmodel
// package
func Render(w http.ResponseWriter, name string, status int, viewModel interface{}) {
tmpl, ok := cache[name]
if !ok {
response.Text(w, 500, "Template not found: "+name)
tmpl, err := template.New(name).ParseFiles(argsCache[name]...)
if err != nil {
response.Text(w, 500, "Failed to run template "+name+": "+err.Error())
err = tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", viewModel)
if err != nil {
log.Println("Template error:", err.Error())
// Run runs the template to a simple io.Writer. It's made for testing
func Run(w io.Writer, name string, viewModel interface{}) error {
tmpl, ok := cache[name]
if !ok {
return errors.New("template not found")
return tmpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "base", viewModel)
func init() {
Register("index", "base/default")
Register("login", "base/default")