3 changed files with 242246 additions and 1 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File
@ -0,0 +1,256 @@ |
var fs = require('fs'); |
var path = require('path'); |
var data = require('./data/combatant.json') |
var list = { |
uses: 0, |
content: [] |
} |
var weaponLists = null; |
function getSpeciesList(set, category, species) { |
if(typeof(species) !== 'undefined') { |
var spList = species.split(','); |
var selections = []; |
for(var i = 0; i < spList.length; ++i) { |
var spName = category + '/' + spList[i]; |
var gen = set.getGenerator(spName); |
if(gen != null) { |
selections.push(gen); |
} |
} |
if(selections.length > 0) { |
return selections; |
} |
} |
if(--list.uses >= 0) { |
return list.content; |
} |
list.content = []; |
var keys = Object.keys(set.generators); |
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { |
var key = keys[i]; |
if(key.indexOf(category + '/') == 0) { |
var enabled = set.getMeta(key, 'combatant.enabled', false) |
var chance = set.getMeta(key, 'combatant.chance', 1.00); |
if(enabled == false) { |
continue; |
} |
if(chance <= 0.999 && Math.random() >= chance) { |
continue; |
} |
list.content.push(set.getGenerator(key)); |
} |
} |
if(list.content.length > 0) { |
list.uses = 32; |
return list.content; |
} else { |
return null; |
} |
} |
function getWeapons(set, fullId) { |
var weapons = data[fullId.split('/')[0]].weapons; |
var types = Object.keys(weapons); |
var hasWeapon = false; |
var result = {}; |
if(weaponLists == null) { |
weaponLists = {}; |
for(var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { |
var type = types[i]; |
var weaponNames = Object.keys(weapons[type]); |
var entry = {total: 0, items: []}; |
for(var j = 0; j < weaponNames.length; ++j) { |
entry.total += weapons[type][weaponNames[j]].chance; |
entry.items.push({name: weaponNames[j], data: weapons[type][weaponNames[j]]}); |
} |
weaponLists[type] = entry; |
} |
} |
while(!hasWeapon) { |
for(var i = 0; i < types.length; ++i) { |
var type = types[i]; |
var chance = set.getMeta(fullId, 'combatant.weapon.' + type + '.chance', 0.5); |
var weightList = weaponLists[type]; |
result[type] = null; |
if(Math.random() < chance) { |
var r = Math.random() * weightList.total; |
for(var j = 0; j < weightList.items.length; ++j) { |
var item = weightList.items[j]; |
r -= item.data.chance; |
if(r <= 0) { |
result[type] = item; |
hasWeapon = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
function getItems(category) |
{ |
var items = data[category].items; |
var keys = Object.keys(items); |
var result = []; |
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) { |
var key = keys[i]; |
var item = items[key]; |
var amount = 0; |
if(Math.random() < item.chance) { |
amount = 1; |
while(amount < item.max) { |
if(Math.random() < item.more) { |
++amount; |
} else { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if(amount > 0) { |
result.push({name: key, amount: amount}); |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
function getAbiltiies(set, fullId) { |
var abilities = data[fullId.split('/')[0]].abilities; |
var abilityTypes = Object.keys(abilities); |
var sentinelPenalty = set.getMeta(fullId, 'combatant.ability.penalty.sentinel', 0.10); |
var sentinel = false; |
var result = []; |
for(var i = 0; i < abilityTypes.length; ++i) { |
var abilityType = abilityTypes[i]; |
var abilityChances = abilities[abilityType]; |
if(Math.random() > set.getMeta(fullId, 'combatant.ability.chance.' + abilityType, 0.10)) { |
continue; |
} |
var initialPenalty = set.getMeta(fullId, 'combatant.ability.penalty.initial.' + abilityType, 0.10); |
var incrementalPenalty = set.getMeta(fullId, 'combatant.ability.penalty.increment.' + abilityType, 0.10); |
var keys = Object.keys(abilityChances); |
for(var j = 0; j < keys.length; ++j) { |
var key = keys[j]; |
var penalty = initialPenalty + (incrementalPenalty * result.length) + (sentinel ? sentinelPenalty : 0) |
if(Math.random() < abilityChances[key] - penalty) { |
result.push(key); |
} |
} |
sentinel = true; |
} |
return result; |
} |
function makeSoldier(req, res, set) { |
var category = req.params.cat; |
var species = req.params.species; |
var agent = req.headers['user-agent']; |
var selections = []; |
var result = {}; |
// Validate input
if(!data.hasOwnProperty(req.params.cat)) { |
res.status(404); |
res.send('ERROR 404: No combatant-generator data available for this category!\n'); |
return; |
} |
// Get generator to use
var spList = getSpeciesList(set, category, species); |
if(spList == null || spList.length == 0) { |
res.status(500); |
res.send('ERROR 500: Somehow ended up with no species to pick from. That is not supposed to happen. D:\n'); |
return; |
} |
var gen = spList[Math.floor(Math.random() * spList.length)]; |
// Determine gender randomly. If it discrimates, blame Math.random!
if(gen.genders.length > 1) { |
result.gender = gen.genders[Math.floor(Math.random() * gen.genders.length)]; |
} else { |
result.gender = null; |
} |
result.name = gen.generate('full_name', result.gender); |
result.species = gen.name; |
result.weapons = getWeapons(set, category + '/' + gen.id, req.query.hasOwnProperty('v')); |
result.abilities = getAbiltiies(set, category + '/' + gen.id, req.query.hasOwnProperty('v')); |
result.items = getItems(category); |
if(agent.indexOf('curl/') != -1 || req.query.hasOwnProperty('t')) { |
var text = result.name + " - " + result.species; |
if(result.gender != null) { |
text += ' ' + result.gender; |
} |
if(result.abilities.length > 0) { |
text += '\n\t' + result.abilities.join(', '); |
} |
if(result.weapons.primary != null) { |
var wp = result.weapons.primary; |
text += '\n\t' + wp.name + ' ' + wp.data.ammo + '/' + wp.data.ammo; |
} |
if(result.weapons.secondary != null) { |
var wp = result.weapons.secondary; |
text += '\n\t' + wp.name + ' ' + wp.data.ammo + '/' + wp.data.ammo; |
} |
for(var i = 0; i < result.items.length; ++i) { |
text += '\n\t' + result.items[i].name + ' x' + result.items[i].amount; |
} |
res.status(200); |
res.header("Content-Type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8"); |
res.end(text); |
} else { |
res.status(200); |
res.header("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8"); |
res.end(JSON.stringify(result)); |
} |
} |
module.exports = function(set, app, data, scriptMethods) { |
app.get('/c/:cat', function(req, res) {makeSoldier(req, res, set)}); |
app.get('/c/:cat/:species', function(req, res) {makeSoldier(req, res, set)}); |
} |
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@ |
{ |
"me": { |
"abilities": { |
"tech": { |
"Overload": 0.75, |
"Incinerate": 0.50, |
"Cryo Blash": 0.45, |
"Shield Drain": 0.40, |
"Hacking": 0.25 |
}, |
"biotic": { |
"Throw": 0.90, |
"Lift": 0.90, |
"Shockwave": 0.75, |
"Stasis": 0.60, |
"Warp": 0.45, |
"Singularity": 0.30 |
} |
}, |
"weapons": { |
"primary": { |
"M-23 Katana": {"chance": 0.75, "ammo": 5, "type": "Shotgun"}, |
"M-22 Eviscerator": {"chance": 0.10, "ammo": 3, "type": "Shotgun"}, |
"M-27 Scimitar": {"chance": 0.25, "ammo": 8, "type": "Shotgun"}, |
"M-8 Avenger": {"chance": 0.90, "ammo": 30, "type": "Assault Rifle"}, |
"M-15 Vindicator": {"chance": 0.60, "ammo": 24, "type": "Assault Rifle"}, |
"Striker Assault Rifle": {"chance": 0.05, "ammo": 12, "type": "Assault Rifle"}, |
"M-97 Viper": {"chance": 0.25, "ammo": 6, "type": "Sniper Rifle"}, |
"M-92 Mantis": {"chance": 0.30, "ammo": 1, "type": "Sniper Rifle"}, |
"Kishock Harpoon Gun": {"chance": 0.05, "ammo": 1, "type": "Sniper Rifle"}, |
"Blood Pack Punisher": {"chance": 0.10, "ammo": 40, "type": "Submachine Gun"}, |
"M-4 Shuriken": {"chance": 0.90, "ammo": 36, "type": "Submachine Gun"}, |
"M-9 Tempest": {"chance": 0.25, "ammo": 50, "type": "Submachine Gun"}, |
"M-12 Locust": {"chance": 0.75, "ammo": 20, "type": "Submachine Gun"} |
}, |
"secondary": { |
"Executioner": {"chance": 0.10, "ammo": 1, "type": "Heavy Pistol"}, |
"M-3 Predator": {"chance": 0.90, "ammo": 15, "type": "Heavy Pistol"}, |
"M-5 Phalanx": {"chance": 0.75, "ammo": 12, "type": "Heavy Pistol"}, |
"M-6 Carnifex": {"chance": 0.50, "ammo": 6, "type": "Heavy Pistol"}, |
"Scorpion": {"chance": 0.02, "ammo": 4, "type": "Heavy Pistol"} |
} |
}, |
"items": { |
"Frag Grenade": {"chance": 0.35, "more": 0.50, "max": 5}, |
"Flashbang Grenade": {"chance": 0.25, "more": 0.25, "max": 3}, |
"Thermal Clip": {"chance": 1.00, "more": 0.95, "max": 12} |
} |
} |
} |
Reference in new issue