You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<script lang="ts">
import EveryMinute from "./EveryMinute.svelte";
export let startTime: Date | string = new Date();
export let endTime: Date | string = new Date();
export let compact: boolean = false;
let started = false;
let overdue = false;
let danger = false;
let amount = 0;
let amountStr = "0";
let unit = "days";
let titleTimeStr = "";
let now = new Date();
function formatTime(time: Date): string {
const pad = (n:number) => n < 9 ? '0'+n : n.toString();
return `${time.getFullYear()}-${pad(time.getMonth()+1)}-${pad(time.getDate())}`
$: {
overdue = false;
unit = "days";
const st = (startTime instanceof Date) ? startTime : new Date(startTime);
const et = (endTime instanceof Date) ? endTime : new Date(endTime);
if (now < st) {
started = false;
amount = (st.getTime() - now.getTime()) / 86400000
} else {
started = true;
amount = (et.getTime() - now.getTime()) / 86400000
if (amount < 0) {
overdue = true;
amount = -amount;
danger = (!overdue && started && amount <= 3);
if (amount < 2) {
amount *= 24;
unit = "hours"
if (amount < 2) {
amount *= 60;
unit = "minutes";
amount = Math.floor(amount);
if (amount <= 1) {
unit = unit.slice(0, -1);
if (amount < 1) {
amountStr = "< 1"
} else {
amountStr = amount.toString()
if (compact) {
unit = unit.slice(0, 1);
titleTimeStr = `${formatTime(new Date(startTime))} – ${formatTime(new Date(endTime))}`
<EveryMinute bind:now={now} />
<span title={titleTimeStr}>
{#if (overdue)}
<span class="overdue">{amountStr}{compact ? "" : " "}{unit} {!compact ? "ago" : ""}</span>
{:else if (started)}
<span class:danger class="started">{amountStr}{compact ? "" : " "}{unit} {!compact ? "left" : ""}</span>
<span class="pending">In {amountStr}{compact ? "" : " "}{unit}</span>
span {
color: #ccc;
span.pending {
color: #2797e2;
span.danger {
color: #e28127;
span.overdue {
color: #666666;